Clean Up Your Room Day

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May 10
Clean Up Your Room Day

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Ring ring ring

Incoming call from

Go clean your room. I'm not asking you again.

You are such a child.

Hey, don't rub your age in my face. When you're 100 and I'm 99, I'm gonna laugh in your face.

But I get the senior discount before you.

I'll still laugh in your face 'cause you'll be old.

By, like, two months.

Almost three.

Oh, shut up.

So... how's the studio?

Great! Still trying to get used to the equipment, though.

If you need any help, don't hesitate to call.

Eh, I need to learn on my own. Plus, I have Ginny to help me.

Did you start recording yet?

Nah, not really. I've been messing around with a few piano pieces I wrote, but that's about it.

I see.

Speaking of pianos...


My electric piano is a buttload of crap.

Wow, that's the most I've heard out of you since you called Connor a—

Son of a bachelor. I know. But it's just that terrible.

Go buy a better piano then. I gave you money, didn't I?

I hate to use it.

I gave it to you for the sole purpose of using it.

Fine, I'll think about it. I still need to do some more research before I commit to anything. Last time I shopped for pianos, I saw the price tag and ran away.

You should keep the electric piano. You might need an organ or something like.

Why do you know so much about music all of a sudden?

I lived with you for two months, m'dear.

Of course. Oh, how's Cecilia?

Annoying as ever. She discovered Nancy Drew yesterday.


Yeah, she made Catherine read the entire first book.

Poor Catherine.

Don't feel too bad for her.

I think we all know what Celia's getting for her birthday.

Aunt is not buying fifty-some books.

Wanna bet?

You're on.'s Caleb?

You haven't talked to him?

No, I know he's busy with school. I don't want to bother him.

Seriously, call him. He needs a break. When's the last time you talked?

Like, a week ago.

WHAT? End this call right now and call him.

Yes, sir!


Right away, sir!

Then end it!

No, you end it!

I told you to!

But you can, too!

Then I will.

That's laugha—


Call ended


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Hi, long time no see.  It's been forever and a day since I've updated Opposite Day.  Sorry about that.

On another note, I published a new short story!  It's called April, Come She Will, and it's based on one of my favorite songs.  The writing might be some of my best yet, and I poured my heart and soul into it.  I'd really appreciate if you headed on over and showed it some love <3

Thanks to my new followers: azzinoelBiebersBitch222, and jaimetownsend

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