March Forth and Do Something Day

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March 4
March Forth and Do Something Day

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Knock knock knock

Carolina glances up from her seat at the kitchen table to see Danny peering into the room, his knuckles still resting on the doorframe. The Marbury sisters are seated around the room, drowsily eating cereal and drinking from massive coffee cups.

Guten Morgen.



The morning trait doesn't run in the family, does it?


The two older girls excuse themselves to get ready for the day. Danny sits down in their place, and he grabs a box of cereal and a carton of milk from the table.

So what's the game plan for today?

Maybe you can start by explaining what all of this is, then helping me buy it all.

She throws a paper in his direction. A two-column, bulleted list covers both sides of the page. Danny's eyes widen as he scans the never-ending items.

I think Ginny would do a better job at explaining all that—

Nope. She asked you.

Oh, gee, thanks for throwing me under the bus.

No problem.

I guess I'll go do some research, then. It should only take an hour or two, yeah?

We'll be out in the studio installing some lights when you're done. Have fun!

Will do.

They finish their breakfast in silence, each dreading the day ahead of them. After a while, the girls leave to work on the renovated garage behind the house, and Danny retreats to his guest room shortly after. A blanket of silence covers the house for the next few hours until the girls hear yelling coming from an upstairs window.

No! No more! I'm done with this cow poop!

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So I didn't stay true to my word and update when I said I would... but I'm almost done with Opposite Day, so expect a lot of updates in the near future!  Until then, here's a double update ^^

Thank you, Sheyzon, for the follow!

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