Puzzle Day

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January 29
Puzzle Day

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Ring ring ring


Someone's mad.

Exasperated, fed up, driven up the wall; call it what you like.

Is your puzzle bothering you?


Today is Puzzle Day. I take it that it has nothing to do with puzzles.

Uh, no. I can't stand puzzles, so I'm not celebrating.

Oh, come on! I love puzzles! I'm doing a 1,000 piece one today. I finished the border just before you called.

Good for you, Einstein.

You sure aren't in a good mood today.

You are literally the only person I don't have beef with right now. Don't ruin it.

What happened to Virginia?

She and I argued this morning. I thought she was being too dramatic about our whole situation and she said I wasn't dramatic enough! Imagine that: she insulted how I deal with my own emotions.

Well, first of all, you're being hypocritical, so I think you're even.

You're ruining my perfectly good bad mood, Danny-boy.

Did you just quote Garfield?

Yeah, got a problem with that?

Nope! Gosh, I just love you even more now.


As a friend, of course!


I ruined it, didn't I?

No, I was just thinking.

AHHH! CALL 911! Carolina is thinking!!! (Le gasp!)

Now you ruined it.

I was just kidding, jeez.

Does it look like I care?

I dunno, I can't see you.

Why do you have to be in such a miserably good mood?

Why do you have to ask such complicated questions?


So... What were you thinking about?

What Ginny and I were arguing about this morning.

I professed my undying love for you and you were thinking about your insulted emotions from this morning?

Danny-boy, that wasn't the only thing we argued about.

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