Plan a Solo Vacation Day

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March 1
Plan a Solo Vacation Day

· · ·

Ring ring ring

Incoming call from

I hate you.

I know you love me.

It's three-flipping-thirty in the morning.

No, it's six-thirty.

Times zones, Einstein.

Oh, yeah...

*groan* What do you want at this ungodly hour?

Is your brain not functioning yet? It's March 1st, also known as Plan A Solo Vacation Day. Does that ring a bell?

Not yet.

I'll wait.





OH! I'm awake!

I'm sure you are, Carole.

Ugh. I hate you.

So I've been told.

What were we talking about?

"Is there water on Mars?"

No wonder I was zoning off...

The correct answer is "yes", by the way - in the form of ice. I was actually trying to get you to realize why I'm calling you on PLAN A SOLO VACATION DAY.

Okay, okay! I get it! No need to yell!


I have no idea.

Oh my gosh. Oi, Carole, are you listening?


At least you're honest.

Being blunt is different from being honest.

She liiiiiIIIVES!

Ugh, have I ever mentioned that I hate you?

One or two times.

Let me refresh your memory then: I hate you.

Oh, really?

Really really.

I see.

I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.

Let it all out.


Are you awake now?


Good. Now, why did I call you at three in the morning?

Omigosh, you're leaving for Oregon!!!

There we go! Finally!

That's what you get for waking me up so early.

What was I supposed to do? Call you while driving down a busy interstate?!

Yes. Yes, you were.

Do we have to go back to the "Once upon a time" thing?


"Once upon a time, Danny called Carole while driving down an interstate. Danny got distracted and plowed headfirst into the guardrail. Danny died. Carole only got to see Danny in heaven. The end."

Who said you're going to heaven?



Oi, why were you yelling?

Oh, hi, Ginny. You see, I had a nightm-


Call ended

Gosh darnit, Ginny.

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I've been feeling proactive lately, so here's another two parts for you to read.
Just another little reminder: If you see any grammar errors, typos, formatting problems, etc., please let me know! I want this book to be error-free :)

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