Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day

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February 4
Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day

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Ring ring ring

Wow, you called early.

I. Am. So. Tired.

What happened to you?

Teenagers. Gosh, where did we go wrong?


Everyone. Parents, teachers, the populous in general...

Hate to break it to ya, but you're a teen.

No, I'm 18 years old. "Technically", I'm an adult.

You have a valid point, but if we were normal people, we would still be seniors in high school. Seniors, whether they are 17 or 18, are still considered teens. When you graduate, you magically become an adult.

Einstein talking magic. That's something I never thought I'd hear.

Me neither. Gosh, I forgot that you're a couple months older than me.

Ha! So there, teen.

Hey, you can't say that. I'm also "technically" an adult.

You are such a hypocrite.

Oh, puh-lease. Anyway, what did the teenagers do to you?

Ugh, they're terrible. Let's just put it this way: boys are such stinkin'... bastards.

You did not just-

I did. There is no other word for them.

Why? And for the final time, what happened?!

Okay, okay, fine. I'll break it to you slowly. You know Connor O'Dell, my best-friend-replacement?

Of course I remember my old friend.

Let's just say that he isn't as adorably naïve and innocent as he used to be.

Oof, puberty hit hard.

You know what I look like, right?


I'm kinda pretty, don't you think?

I'd say so.

Well, according to Mr. O'Dell, I'm especially attractive in a Luna's uniform.

Oh, bother.

What's with you and quoting Winnie the Pooh?

I dunno. I think it was my favorite show as a tot.

Figures. Anywho, I gave Mr. O'Dell a piece of my mind. Luna heard and made me work overtime - without pay.

Why though? Did you get vulgar?

Danny-boy, this is me you're talking about.

True, but you did just call someone a-



Yeah, but he deserved it. Actually, Luna said I was "scaring off customers".

Yeah, you're pretty scary when you're mad.

When you have sisters, you have to learn to be aggressive for your survival.

Carole dear, I have five female cousins.

Yeah, but you can use your age against them.

Yeah, but little cousins are worse than older sisters.

Yeah, but you don't have a Virginia.

You're right. You won.

Ha, so there.

Just a little advice: Be as cold and curt to fellow high schoolers as possible and just as congenial to everyone else.

Translation: Be two-faced.

What? No! Just pretend you don't know the high schoolers.

Are we going back to our childhood? Playing pretend?

You're not playing pretend, per se. You're working pretend.


I'm a genius.

Of course, Einstein.

I prefer "Danny-boy".

Too bad, Einstein.



Serves you right.

Brain freeze!

I guessed as much.

Ooh, now Einstein has mind-reading abilities.

Oh, hush up.

Hehe! There, I got to laugh.

Good for you! You laughed! Once in a lifetime opportunity right there, Carole.

Your sarcasm is on-ARGH!

My turn to laugh. Haha!

I think I may have broken my toe.

Ouch. Well, my ice cream is melting, so... Wait, I have it backwards. You start.

My toe is killing me, so I'll talk to you later!

Sure thing. Ta ta for now!


Call ended

Ew. Ice cream soup.

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I actually love ice cream soup...
Just a little reminder to let me know if you see any typos or errors!

Thanks to DarlaPolyanna for the follow!

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