Left-Handers Day

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August 13
Left-Handers Day

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Ring ring ring





How are you doing?

Not so great, to be completely honest with you.


Yeah, so I woke up with phantom pains, which was a great start to a great day.

Oof, life's really kicking you in the butt.

Yep. Then I binge ate two bags of Doritos – throwback time – and I'm really regretting that now 'cause my stomach really hurts.

Oh, Danny...

And then I curled up in a ball and cried for the rest of the day.

I wish I was there to give you a hug.

I do, too. I think I'm scaring Aunt. She has no idea what's wrong with me, so she keeps giving me the side-eye.

Why don't you tell her?

I don't want her to worry. She has enough on her plate already.

Danny, your health – both physical and mental – is her priority. It's her duty as your guardian to take care of you.

I know, but... It's complicated.

It's okay. You don't have to explain.

I was already having a crappy week without this holiday. I think I'm in the middle of a mid-life crisis or something 'cause I'm debating all of my life choices right now.

You're 18, Danny-boy.

Then I'm having an early-life crisis.

Well, I'm glad you're feeling well enough to be sarcastic. I got really worried when you didn't call at your normal time.

Thanks for looking out for me.

Any time.



Hey, Carole?


Did I ever tell you what happened that day?


You never asked?

I didn't want to bring it up. I know how triggering those memories are for you.

I appreciate that, but I think I should probably tell you. Better now when I'm kinda sane than later when I'm having a full-blown panic attack.

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