Day of the Crepe

62 8 19

February 2
Day of the Crepe

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Ring ring ring

Incoming call from



Oof, my eardrums.

So what put you in this delightful mood on this delightful day?

A scrumptious raspberry crepe.

Ooh! You tried it?

My word, it's a piece of heaven. Besides, it's the perfect way to celebrate today's holiday.

You've given me an idea. I'm going to make myself some crepes.

Excellent idea.

Now spill. You wouldn't have gone to Luna's without talking to the lady herself.

Quite right. Guess what she did!

Hm... Caught a plane to the Sahara and joined a lion pride but then got abducted by aliens?


What? You asked!

Logical guesses, Danny-boy.

Oh... You could've said so.

It was implied.

Um, she raised your pay?

That and more! I'm working two shifts every day, and I'm performing here on Saturday nights and Sundays during lunch.

That's awesome!

I did a bit of math, and I think I'll earn enough money in time.

That's great, Carole!

Greater than great. Luna's is the town's hotspot. Almost everybody eats there on the weekends, so my popularity is gonna boom.

Looks like you're all set.


You don't sound so happy now. Was it something I said?

No, I was just thinking.

How come there's always something wrong when you're thinking?

Well, you're the one who led me into this one.


Danny-boy, I won't be able to talk to you as much anymore.

Why? You can call between shifts.

But I can't. My life consists of more than just talking to you.

Obviously. You have to eat and sleep to stay alive.

You say that as if you know by experience.

After the accident, I didn't eat or sleep for weeks. The hospital staff fed me with feeding tubes and put me to sleep with anesthesia.


Yeah. So... what else does your life consist of besides eating, sleeping, and our conversations?

Feeding my family. And constructing my studio. And arranging music. And feeding myself. And practicing - lots of practicing. And now work, too.

Of course, half of your priorities are related to music.

Certainly. My life is driven by it.

I guess so.

Well, I just called to tell you the news. I kinda got to go home right now, and I don't like talking while driving.

You're such a good girl.

I'm not a dog.

I never said you were.

You inferred it.

I didn't! I never called you a dog. You and your inferences...

I beg to differ.

I think you are calling yourself a dog. You just begged, for crying out loud.


No, seriously, I called you a "good girl". You are good; you are a girl.

Thank you for that hidden compliment, but isn't that what you say to a dog?

Speaking of inferences, a "girl" is inferred to be a human. Usually, dogs are "females" or, if you want to get technical, "bit-



"Good female" just doesn't sound right. Yeah, I think I'll stick with technically incorrect "good girl".

That won't make them human.

Jeez. Someone is anti-dog.

And anti-cat and -gerbil and -bird and -raccoon. Especially -raccoon.

Seriously, how am I friends with you?


Call ended

Well, then. That was rude.

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