National Cheesecake Day

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July 30
National Cheesecake Day

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Ding dong

See, this is how I cook.

I can't believe you're forfeiting a 15-minute recipe to go to a bakery that's 30 minutes away.

Why wouldn't I? Chocolate raspberry, please.

You won't have the satisfaction of eating your own food. Oh, I'm not buying anything, thank you.

You're right. I'm buying.

That's not what I meant...

Carolina throws some money on the counter.

He'll have the same.

They collect their slices of cheesecake and head outside to a table in the shade. They sit in silence for a while, watching the passing cars, until Danny sighs.

I don't get it. You're such a talented artist, and you're so easily inspired. If I had a dollar for every time you interrupted a conversation to write down an idea, I'd be rich. And yet you don't understand cooking.

Or baking.

Even Celia can bake.

Don't rub it in.

But you don't make any effort to get better. Tell me; were you always a great musician?

Ha, I wish.

Then why are you so talented?

My parents forced me to take music lessons.

Exactly! I'm "forcing" you to learn how to cook.

And what will I get out of that?

Um, edible meals at college.


You might like cooking more than you think.

One extreme hobby is enough.

Your cooking hobby doesn't need to be as extreme as your music hobby.

My music can hardly be considered a hobby anymore. It's a job more than anything.

Maybe cooking can take your music's place.

Yeah, no.

What will it take to change your mind?

A depressing backstory. That always seems to work in those talent competitions. They're like, "I'm a crappy cook, but I deserve to win because my goldfish died."

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