(2) Play Your Ukulele Day

48 7 14

February 2
(2) Play Your Ukulele Day

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Ring ring ring



How are you?

Spiffing! Yourself?

As calm and patient as one can be in a situation like this.


I'm perfectly fine, thank you.

Excellent. Now where were we? Ah, yes, I was about to tell you how I'd like to celebrate Play Your Ukulele Day with you.


I'll serenade you with my expert ukulele playing.

Since when did you play ukulele?

Since never. Technically, I can play acoustic guitar, but I'll fake it as best as I can.

Where did you get a ukulele from? Do you just have a random one sitting around?

Uh, no. I'm at a music store right now.

Is that where you went this morning? I thought you were going home.

I did go home. I just had some extra time on my hands, so I decided to come here.

I see. What song will you serenade me with?

I do not know as of yet.


How about you decide?

Carole dear, remember what I said about not listening to music?

Yeah, but I hoped you knew at least one song. I mean, you were able to list a couple of classic rock singers.

Only because my dad used to listen to them.

Oh! Well, in that case, do you know Fleetwood Mac?




No? Well, you're going to listen to them anyway.

Why did you even ask?

Because I'm nice, unlike some people I know.



As ready as I'll ever be.

Okay. You're going on speaker, so watch your tongue.


Um... Now I'm nervous. I've never performed for you before.

You'll do fine.

*strummity strum strum* Okay, here goes nothing...

Danny sits in silence, paying rapt attention to his phone as if it were a lifeline. For some reason, he is completely entranced by the gentle strumming of the ukulele on the other end of the line. He can hear the percussive sound of her fingers plucking each string and the atonal fwip of her hand shifting frets. He shakes his head in awe, wondering how he never knew of his childhood friend's musical talent. Carolina's voice suddenly joins the ukulele.

"She broke down and let me in
Made me see where I've been

Been down one time
Been down two times
I'm never going back again"

Her voice is lilting with a slight roughness to it, and it complements the instrument perfectly. He can tell that she's had a lot of training because everything is refined; it's as if he's listening to a studio recording. He holds his applause until she strums a final chord.


Thank you.

And here you were saying that you didn't know how to play ukulele...

I'm just happy that I remembered how to play that.

Honestly, you could get into Juilliard on your ukulele skills alone.

Aw, shut up, you're making me blush.


Uh-oh, I think I need to go. The owner-lady is coming this way. She's on a mission to sell me at least one instrument before I leave.

Ooh, you better run.

Yeah, but we need our formal goodbye.

Oh, that's right.

Talk to you later, Danny-boy.

Ta ta for now, Carole dear.


Call ended

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Wait, what is this?  Actual descriptive writing?!  That's right, folks, you heard it here first:  Rilla wrote a real paragraph *le gasp*
So yeah.  Every once in a great while (you'll see it a lot more later on) I'll sneak in a paragraph or two.  Just know that the book is still mainly dialogue!

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