First Contact Day

18 3 0

April 5
First Contact Day

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We're getting close.

You know, I was expecting Vermont to be more snowy and less, um, wet.

Yeah, Aunt said it rained yesterday. It actually snowed a little on Friday and Saturday, but it all melted away.

That's kinda disappointing. I was hoping for a little snow.

It's great, actually. That means I don't have to go out and shovel the driveway every morning. It's a miracle I haven't broken my neck yet.

Oh, poor you.

I know, right?!

Hush up and let me enjoy the scenery.

Yes, ma'am.

Ah, it's so pretty.

Here's our road.

For the past few hours, they had been driving down winding roads surrounded by tall trees. While the trees' branches were bare right now, Carolina could imagine how verdant and abundant the leaves were in the summer. After a while, she had lost all sense of direction, but Danny seemed to know where he was going. Now, after almost 50 hours of driving, the car veers off the main road and onto a smaller and more rural one. Danny doesn't slow down as they pass a cluster of townhouses, and Carolina begins to wonder just how far off the beaten path the Kesslers live. Finally – finally – Danny puts on the brakes and flips on the right turn-signal. Carolina glances out her window and sees a long, meandering lane that hints at a house just beyond the bend.

You never told me your family owns an entire hillside.

We don't, as much as we wish. We have a mini forest behind our house, though.

Carolina throws her hands in the air in exasperation.

And there're two little ponds in the front yard.

What else didn't you tell me?

Just look for yourself.

Carolina shifts in her seat to catch the first glimpse of the Kessler homestead. Just like Danny said, two ponds are inset into the ground, one on each side of the lane. Beyond the ponds is a stately, powder blue farmhouse with a massive wraparound porch. Suddenly, Carolina can't imagine the Kesslers living anywhere else.

How picturesque.

Isn't it? If you don't mind, I'm going to park outside.

I doesn't matter to me.

Danny pulls the car in front of the garage just as a couple figures emerge from the side door. Carolina tilts her head in their direction.

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