Siblings Day

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April 10
Siblings Day

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—uch an annoying— Oh, she answered.



Hello, beloved sister of mine! We thought we should contact the HQ on this lovely day.

Does this have anything to do with Siblings Day?

What? No, not at all. Can't a girl call her sist— Wait, how did you know it's Siblings Day?

Well, there's this humongous calendar in your room that's covered in Post-it Notes. It just so happens I saw my name on one.

Ah. Um... Happy Siblings Day!

You gotta do better than that.

How's Oregon?

Oregon's fine. Kota came home for the weekend. She just left a few minutes ago.

Aw, that was nice of her.

Yeah. The electrical guy was here today.

Oh? What did he say?

One of the things you ordered got recalled—


—so he'll have to come back in two weeks. Apparently—


—it takes a buttload of time to install the thing. That means he needs another paycheck—


—sent to him. For some reason, he has to be here at the same time as the guy setting up the system, so that's another week at the least—


—'cause the set-up guy is booked.

Great. Just great.

Yep. Anyway, how's Vermont? Is it everything Danny-boy said it would be?

Definitely! We the whole day at the Shelburne Museum yesterday. Really cool exhibits. There was one with photography from the Rock & Rock era. So cool.

We were stuck in that exhibit for ages.

Oh, hi, Danny.


Anyway, the place is huge. They have little, old houses that are designed to look just like they did a hundred years ago. And they have an entire barn filled with horse carriages – the biggest collection in the United States! And they have this big mansion with a sweeping spiral staircase. I could just imagine the fancy, rich women gliding down the stairs in their long ballroom gowns. And the house was just covered in beautiful paintings. There were family portraits by Cassatt. Mary Cassatt, Ginny! There was an entire room filled with Tiffany silverware. Can you imagine having the much money, Ginny?

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