Cousins Day

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July 24
Cousins Day

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Shake shake shake

I have nine Kesslers in my house.


I have nine Kesslers in my house.


I have nine Kesslers in my h—

Would. You. Please. Stop. Sha...king. Me?

Oops, sorry.

You're fine.

How did I manage this?

Manage what?

I fit nine Kesslers in my house.

So you've said.

Where did I go wrong?

Well, to be honest—

Don't finish that thought.

You asked.

And to think your poor, poor aunt has to deal with this every day.

Hey, she's the one who wanted the kids.


You should be saying, "Poor, poor Danny," instead.

Carolina pats him on the shoulder.

You'll live.

Gee, thanks.

So...what am I supposed to do with all of you?

We're like giant pets: feed us, water us, send us to the bathroom every once in a while...

Thanks for that imagery.

Any time. Oh! We also need playtime.

Like what?

Danny clears his throat and turns to face the living room where all of the Kesslers are gathered.

Here we have a cluster of Kesslers in their natural habitat. Just like meerkats, Kesslers have a matriarchal system. This is the matriarch.

Danny wraps his arm around his aunt's shoulders.

The matriarch is rather like the Queen of England; she's just there for show.


Here, you can see the juvenile Kesslers. Despite their high status, they're only good at vegging.

The teenage Kesslers look up from their phones long enough to glare at their cousin.

If you look closely, you can see an infant Kessler. You'll notice that infant Kesslers often upset the precious hierarchy.

I'm not a baby!

Danny holds his fist up to his mouth like a microphone.

Do you deny upsetting the system?

He puts his fist in front of Cecilia's mouth.

No, I do not.

There you have it, folks. Out of the mouth of babes.

He pats her on the head before returning to Carolina.

High-class entertainment.

You need to work on your British accent.

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In your opinion, what's the world's strangest animal?

Also, I'm running out of cover ideas, so if you're feeling inspired, please make a cover :D  If you want the title thingy I use, feel free to pm me and I'll send it your way.

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