(2) March Forth and Do Something Day

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March 4
(2) March Forth and Do Something Day

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Click sqeeeeeeeeeak

The studio door pushes open, and Carolina and Virginia look up from their work to see Danny walk in. He takes a second to find himself – was this the old, battered garage he played in as a child? – and looks around the room. The new hardwood flooring is covered in paint-splattered newspapers, and a pile of leftover wood sits in the corner, covered by a tarp. He glances up and canister lights glare back down at him. The girls are seated on the floor, stirring a can of paint and coating the walls in a monotonous gray. Even though it is only a one-car garage, the room seems so much bigger thanks to the fresh paint and improved lighting.

Wow, it smells like paint in here.

I wonder why.

I thought you were putting in lights.

We were...three hours ago.

Keep up, Danny-boy.

Hey, it's not my fault I was holed up in my room the whole morning.

You agreed to it.

I was forced into it.

You were pressured into it. Get it right.

Danny thrusts a stack of papers into Carolina's hands.

There you go. Descriptions, brand comparisons, invoices, etc., etc., etc... I bought a few things I was sure about. The rest is up to you. I highly suggest getting an electrician, by the way.

At least I have enough money for one, thanks to you.

You're welcome.

Speaking of money, I want you to come to Luna's with me tonight. I'm playing today.

I can't say no to that.

Remember to tip me.

Your tip already came in the mail.

True... Will you still tip me for the novelty of it?

As you wish.

You do not love her!

We went over this already, Ginny.

Yes, but Westley meant it in a love-dovey way.

Carolina whirls to face Danny and jabs her finger into his chest.


Okay, okay, I get it. The Marburys are big Princess Bride fans.

You haven't seen anything until you see Dakota.

She's the one who got us on the Princess Bride kick in the first place.

Like Caleb and everything German?

Exactly. Kota is obsessed with Inigo Montoya, though, not Liesl von Trapp.

It's an unhealthy obsession.

Danny snorts, crouching down in between the sisters. He picks up a paintbrush and rolls it in between his fingers, studying it. Carolina pauses in her work to glance at him.

You're supposed to dip it in the paint. It doesn't do the work on its own.

His eyes narrow in on the idle brush in her hand.

Then you better dip your brush in the paint, Carole. It doesn't do the work on its own, y'know.

Carolina leans over to slap his arm.

Oh, hush.

The three paint in silence, broken only by the sound of Virginia popping the lid to a new can of paint. Two hours, three paint cans, and a broken paintbrush later, the studio is finally a rich shade of gray. They step back to admire their work, wiping their hands on their pants.

I want to stencil some music notes along that wall.


I said that I want to, not that I'm actually going to.

Plus, we don't really have time. We should probably get ready to go to Luna's.

Ah, you're right. Eh, when I'm making millions, I'll hire a professional to stencil the entire studio!

Don't go too crazy.

There's no such thing as "too crazy".

Well, I mean, take a look at your sister...

Hey, you watch your tongue, Danny-boy, or else you might not have one anymore.

What is this? The Middle Ages?

No, this is the 21st century, and my methods are a lot more high-tech.

Okay, that's enough, guys. Come on, Danny. Let's go.

The two retreat out the door, leaving Virginia alone in the studio, surrounded by the potent perfume of wet paint. A melancholy smile graces her pale lips as she thinks back to one of her sister's favorite songs.

"Why must we go on hating? Why can't we live in bliss?"

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Remember, if you see any typos or grammatical errors, please let me know!  I want this book to be as close to perfect as possible :)

(Ginny referenced "Peace Train" by Cat Stevens)

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