Uncle and Aunt Day

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July 26
Uncle and Aunt Day

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My goodness, these heels kill.

Carolina glances up from a pile of spreadsheets to see Mrs. Kessler walk in the door. Her hair is pulled back into an elegant updo, but a few strands escape and fall around her face. Her navy blue blazer and matching pencil skirt – both steam pressed this morning – look ruffled. Gingerly, she leans against the wall to step out of her pumps.

I've had these shoes for forever. I bought them right out of college for my first job. They've served me for almost 30 years; maybe it's time to retire them.

She heaves a sigh as she steps onto solid ground. The puff of air makes her bangs flutter, and she laughs when the hair falls back into her eyes.

Gosh, I'm old.

But you're young at heart.

I like to think so, at least.

No, seriously, you are. You take care of nine kids, a massive house, and a strenuous part-time job. I don't have any of that, and I still feel like I'm in over my head.

I'd tell you things get easier, but I'd be lying.

She shrugs off the blazer and places it next to her shoes.

One thing keeps me going: the fact that I want my kids to have happier and more successful lives than mine. My childhood wasn't easy, and neither was my husband's. It's taken a toll on both of us, to be completely honest. We want to give our children memories we never had, and we want them to start their lives on the right foot.

You really are a dream mom.

I've never met your parents, but I can tell they're just as wonderful, considering how you and your sister turned out.

Yeah, they do work hard for us.

Mrs. Kessler pulls out a chair from the kitchen table and sits down next to Carolina. She messes with her hair for a moment, and shortly, her long blonde tresses cascade down her back.

Do you go on business trips often?

Yes, actually. I can't stand being cooped up in an office all day, and my job really makes me move. Usually, it's just a quick drive across Vermont or to New York, but once or twice a year, I get sent across the country.

Do you always bring your kids with you?

Oh, no, definitely not. It's such a hassle to drive all of us around, not to mention expensive. This trip was an exception, though. I knew I could trust you to keep an eye on everyone, and they all wanted to see you again.

Aw, that's so sweet.

I don't know if you realize, but Cecilia's very fond of you.

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