Compliment Day

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January 24
Compliment Day

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Ring ring ring

Incoming call from


Hi! So I know we didn't end on an awkward note yesterday, but we always need something to talk about, so I thought we could do the holiday thing anyways.

Whoa, slow down there.

Guess what today is!

I don't think I want to know.

Yes, you do. It's Compliment Day!


You always know just what to say.

Yep. I'm top-hole.

Are you ready to be wooed with compliments?

As ready as I'll ever be. Just avoid the cheesy ones, 'kay?

*clears throat* You're more fun than a ball pit full of candy. In fact you're more fun than bubble wrap!

That's pushing it.

Your name really suits you: your voice is as melodic as a Carole.

You've heard me sing once.

Your name - Carolina - means "strong". That is exactly what you are.

Mentally or physically?


Mm. Continue.

Were you voted "Most Likely to Stay Awesome" last year?

I was actually "Most Likely to End Up in the Sydney Opera House".

I actually consider digging my car out of two feet of snow and driving all the way to Oregon just to see you.

Key word is "consider".

I'd give a lot to have your passion for the things you love.

Why, thank you.

You're gorgeous, and that's the least interesting thing about you.

You know what I look like?



You happen to take a lot of pictures with your sister.

And she just gave the pictures to you?

We're actually on good terms right now.

That's surprising.

Tell me about it.

You have a special knack for driving Ginny up the wall.

Your compliments knock my socks off. How do you elocute them so perfectly?

I seriously think that that's your best one yet.

And that was the only one I didn't read off a website.

I can tell.

I'm not even wearing socks...

Hahahahaha! Omigosh... *cough*

I really think you should laugh more. It becomes you.

Aw, just stop. You're making me cringe.

You think you can do any better?

No, which is why I've kept my mouth shut.

Just try. Please?

Hmph. Fine. Uh... I got nothing.

Ha ha, very funny. Actually try.

Um... You're very... uh... brave.

That's laughable.

You're very brave because... uh... it takes a lot of courage to apologize to someone even when you may be right. I'm partially to blame for our fight, so I have to give you credit where it's due.

Wow. Thank you.

You're welcome. I am now going to compliment my sister on her baking skills. Her brownies are burning.

Okay, bye.



Call ended

I should write a book. "How to Fail for Dummies, coming soon to a bookstore near you."

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Whenever I set an update schedule for myself, I get even more behind... O.O

Please please please check out my new book Kismet, a collab I'm doing with TheRebelPilot.  It's a fantasy novel about a sibling rivalry between Fate and Destiny.  We've worked really hard on it, so we'd greatly appreciate your feedback!

Many thanks to ZenrararayarWolfie_Girl84, and KookieArmyLover for getting me to 30 followers!

Below:  Carolina's quote

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