Uncommon Musical Instrument Day

21 1 0

July 31
Uncommon Musical Instrument Day

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Danny throws open the back door and runs after Carolina. She resolutely marches into the studio, a massive saw in hand.

No! Absolutely not! I forbid it!

Forbid what?

That—that thing.

Oh, you mean this?

She holds up the saw. The sun reflects off the blade, blinding Danny.

Yes, that.

What about it?

You cannot take that into the studio.

Watch me.


Carolina sighs.

What's wrong, Danny-boy.

I can't trust you with a table knife, let alone... that.

It's a saw, Danny. S-A-W. Saw. Say it with me slowly. Saaaaaawww.


You didn't say it.


You're no fun.

You have no room to talk.

Watch your tongue. I have a saw, and I'm not afraid to use it.

Danny sticks out his tongue and holds it between his fingers. Then he looks down at it, cross-eyed with the effort.

Thath ud I'm eried aboud.


He lets go of his tongue.

That's what I'm worried about.

Oh, please. You're such a worry-wart.

I don't have warts.

Your face is a wart.


Hay is for horses.



Not funny. Drop the saw.

See? That wasn't so hard, was it? "Saw" isn't a bad word or anything.

Your face is a bad word.

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