Part 1

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AUTHOR'S NOTE:  This is the continuation of The Sun, The Moon and Stars, please read that one first, the story will make more sense. ;)

Thank you ❤️


Prince motions the woman from the bank back into the barn, he genuinely seems happy with the outcome. As he hands her the files, she extends her hand to him, "Congratulations on your new properties, Mr. Nelson," she shakes his hand.

She turns to me, "Mrs?" I shake my head, "Dana is fine," I shake her hand since I did acquire property, too. She's in a hurry to leave, but it is Sunday.

I stand still in a stupor, grasping that little purple box with all my might. It may just be another property to Prince, but for me, it could be so much more.

I walk out into the grove in a daze, I stop, taking in the simple beauty of it all. By tomorrow the stage will be gone, I'm certain. Spinning 360 degrees, I take a slow, deep inhale, then exhale, then scan the rows of grapevine in the distance. As I close my eyes, I feel Prince's hand light on my low back, "Penny for your thoughts," he says as he looks into the direction I'm facing.

"Haven't you bought enough this week?" I joke, but also a bit serious. "I was just thinking, I co-own this? It doesn't seem possible. Actually, none of this seems possible."

"Anything is possible, Sugar," he kisses my cheek and walks over to the lonely chaise.

He strokes the fabric, deep in thought his eyes take in the simple piece of furniture, then he looks up at the trees. I walk to meet him, "Penny for your thoughts," but the smile that plays on his lips and the dreamy look in his eyes let me know that I'm not the only one that replays the memory of our first time together.

"I'm leaving the twinkle lights," he says with a wink, he takes my hand and leads me to the SUV. I climb in, he closes my door, walks around and climbs into the driver's seat.

We are almost past the barn when he stops, throws the SUV into park, and hops out. He rushes back into the barn, to return seconds later with a bottle of wine and a grin.

"You stole wine?"

"It's our vineyard," he laughs, as he drives off.

I'm watching out the window of the passenger side, and I feel him, more than see him, sneaking glances at me. I look over, "What?"

He nods towards me, glancing at my hands, "You going to hold that in a death grip all day?"

I look down, I'm still clutching that little purple box, so tight you can see the whites of my knuckles. I laugh nervously as I release my grip, my hand actually hurts. I reach between the seats, grabbing my purse, I tuck the box safely inside.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

He laughs, "I don't know, I was just thinking to your place. With the event over, I have free time, I'm really at a loss with nothing to do."

Oh, crap, here we go, he's already bored with me.

"I know this sounds weird, but could we maybe watch a movie, or some tv, something I really don't have to think about?" he asks.

Prince wants to chill, this seems hard to wrap my mind around, but I am game, I could use a quiet night. "There's a Redbox on the way, we could pick up a movie."


"Yeah," taken aback that he doesn't know what that is, "pull into that Walgreens, I'll show you."

(Book 2) This Could B UsWhere stories live. Discover now