Part 17

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My eyes open to see Marcus leaning over me, his face is worried, a phone to his ear, "Just find him! I'm taking her to Two Twelve Medical Center!"

He presses a button on his phone, slides it into his pants pocket, and before I know it, he lifts me off the garage floor, carrying me to the SUV. I remember hearing the words Medical Center, I shake my head, whispering, "No."

"I'm sorry Ma'am, your head hit hard, and you're bleeding," his voice is soft but firm.

I began feeling my head and looking for signs of blood on my hands, confused when I see nothing.

He sets me in the passenger's, fastening my seatbelt, "It's not your head, Ma'am," he looks sad, his eyes shift to my lap.

I gasp at the sight of the blood, my head is foggy, trying to think, my period? That's when it occurs to me, I've been so busy with everything, being off work and off schedule, overwhelmed and preoccupied, I don't know where I'm at in my cycle. I've been taking my birth control pills, as far as I can remember.

I sit numb in the passenger seat as Marcus breaks every traffic rule known to man. Pulling up at the ER, he leaps out of the vehicle, runs around, flinging open the door. He unfastens the belt, scoops me up and carries me in. A nurse spots him and rushes with a wheelchair. As I'm placed into it, the nurse sees the blood and I'm rushed down the hall, her first question, "Are you pregnant?"

I start crying, "I don't know, it's possible," before I could say anything else, I fall into darkness again.


My eyes open, they're heavy, my head hurts, I take in my surroundings. Hospital, I'm in a bed, I.V. attached running fluids, I look around but I feel disoriented, I let my head fall back onto the pillow.

I hear some loud talking, a woman using an authoritative tone, the other is voice is deeper, lower in volume, I recognize it immediately.

A nurse peeks around a curtain, "You have a visitor, do you feel up to it?"

I nod, the nurse looks dissatisfied, but holds the curtain aside. Prince shoots her some side eye as he passes, but his expression changes to concern when he sees me. He rushes to the bed, taking my hand without the I.V. into his, he kisses my cheek, softly speaking my name.

He turns to the nurse, "Could we have some privacy, please?"

The nurse looks to me for approval, I nod, "Please." She leaves instantly.

"How are you feeling?" he strokes my forehead, looking into my eyes.

"My head hurts and I'm tired," I look down at our hands, "I'm sorry you had to be pulled away..."

"No, don't be sorry, but we need to figure out why you passed out," his face is serious.

"What did Marcus tell you?" I need to know.

"That you were both bringing bags into the garage. That you looked pale when you stood back up, then you dropped like a rock. He said he can still hear your head hitting the concrete," this last sentence makes him wince in pain.

"Can I talk to Marcus for a minute?"

"Sure, Sugar, let me go get him. He'll be happy to see you," he kisses my forehead gently, "I'll be right back."

Moments later, Marcus peeks around the curtain, "Ma'am," he looks relieved to see me.

"Thank you for not saying anything about," I point down to my lap.

"You're welcome, Ma'am, have they...did you..." he doesn't know how to ask.

"I don't know anything for sure yet, I'm still waiting for the doctor."

He nods, "I'll send Prince back in."

"Marcus, thank you for everything," my eyes fill with tears.

"It's my job," he steps forward and awkwardly pats my hand, but I see tears in his eyes, too, I know he was scared for me.

Prince returns to sit by me, he does more watching than talking, were both uncomfortable.

"I hate hospitals," I whisper to him.

"Me, too," he whispers back.

"Dana?" A doctor enters the curtained area.


"We have your test results back," he eyes Prince.

"It's okay, he can stay," I reach to hold Prince's hand.

"Dips in your blood pressure is most likely the cause of the fainting. It was very low when you were brought in, the fluids have helped," he points to the I.V. Your CT scan is clear, no sign of any bleeding. You do have a minor concussion, so plenty of rest for the next few days. No strenuous activities or driving for 24 hours," he looks at both of us to see if we're paying attention.

The doctor now looks sad, "I'm sorry, but you did indeed have a miscarriage."

Prince's hand squeezes mine tight, I look over at him, but his expression never changes, I do, however, hear him swallow.

The doctor continues, "Did you know you were pregnant?"

"No, I did not," which is true.

"The ultrasound and pelvic show full expulsion, so no need for further treatment. I would like you to follow up with your OB/GYN in the next week or two, okay?" I nod, numb.

Prince asks, "Can she come home tonight?"

"Yes, I would keep an eye on her, but everything should be just fine," he looks at me, "You are just going to need a lot of rest, young lady."

"Yes, Sir."

"I'll have a nurse bring in the paperwork for you to sign, then you're free to go," the doctor leaves through the curtain.

(Book 2) This Could B UsWhere stories live. Discover now