Chapter 3

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I pace around my room nervously, I need to find something to do to keep my mind off of his phone. I throw my backpack on my bed. I guess I'll do homework.


A couple of hours pass and I've finished the homework from my first and second classes. I pull out the sheet of paper Mr. Fischbach had given us today.

Welcome to Creative Writing.

This semester you will learn about writing interesting stories and how to express emotion through the story. There will be a new writing prompt given every Monday and they will be turned in the following Friday.

This week's assignment is: Write a story about something that tempted you before.

I sigh and roll my eyes, of course he would. I pull out a clean piece of paper and stare at the empty page. Nothing is coming to me, the phone buzzes across the room, and my eyes are glued to the light until it goes dark again. I look back down at my empty paper. The obvious choice is to write about the phone, I sigh. I rub my hands over my eyes, trying to think of something to write, the phone goes off again, and this time I try and ignore it.

I put my pen down to the paper in front of me.


I have never been the one to be tempted by much in life, I always was given the chance to do things in life so I took advantage of them. My mom died when I was 16, my dad became a heavy drinker after that. I never once tempted to take the bottle from him. I always was tempted to pour myself a glass while he was never looking. Why would I take something away that was dulling the pain? Unlike running to something to hide it, I found things to distract myself from it. I distracted myself by joining as many writing clubs my school had to offer. Newspaper took up most of my time, I think I spent more time in the school than I did in my house after the 10th grade

I never touched the bottle until he asked if I wanted to drink with him. He poured my glass then walked away, I sat at the table staring at the brown liquid in the clear cup, and I took a drink. I finally understood why he went through so many bottles a week. The feeling of something other than sadness finally came over me. It was calming, I chugged the glass. From then on out, I never was tempted to ask my dad for a glass, he just poured me one.


I looked at the clock next to my bed. It's only 1:29am. I look back down at the paper and tap my pen on the page. Nothing else is coming to me. I guess I could finish the story and explain that I'm not an alcoholic, but why would I do that? I put the paper on the bed next to me. I might come back to it before the night is over. My stomach grows loudly through my quiet room.

I emerge from my bedroom finally for the night. Jenna was sitting at our small kitchen table, the glow for her laptop shone across her face. I make a b-line for the fridge. I open the door when a soft voice says "Good evening."

I close the door, "I'm sorry," I say as I am suddenly filled with guilt.

"For what?" she questions.

"I didn't mean to slam the door in your face earlier." I open the freezer door, looking for something to eat. I finally grab a microwaveable meal and close the door.

"It's alright," she says genuinely. "I get it, swapping phones with the hot professor so you can see him on a day you don't have a class with him? That's clever! If any of my professors were hot I would do it." I roll my eyes, opening the microwave and throw my food in it, slamming the door.

I start pushing buttons when I reply, "I didn't do it on purpose."

"Ugh huh," she rolled her eyes and started shuffling her papers around.

I sighed, I need to get it off my chest. "Can you keep a secret?" I ask placing my back against the counter. She nods then goes back to typing on her computer. "He has a private account on his computer."

"So?" she questions not looking back at me.

"I went to grab the bag when his phone went off, I grabbed it and I must have touched the mousepad. The background is a woman in bondage. It was shocking and I panicked when I saw it. I felt like I just went through his dirty laundry. I was so shocked that I must have given him my phone by mistake." The microwave beeped.

I turn around, "Was she naked." She stopped typing.

I put my food on the counter, I look back at her, "What? No, she was wearing underwear." I look back down at my food and start stirring it. "Why would that be the background of an account on your work computer and the account name be private? It's like he wanted to be caught."

"He was," I stopped stirring my food, and then started shaking my head. "I mean technically he was, you found it." I take a big bite of food. It was still burning hot but I try to ignore it. "I mean you did just find it right?" she questioned. I swallowed the food. I walk to the sink and grab a glass from the cabinet. I then pour myself a glass of water. "(Y/F/N), did you go snooping while you were in his office?"

"I mean not on purpose," I say before taking a drink from the glass.

"What does that mean?" she raises her voice.

"My hand accidently touched the mousepad, and it lit up." Jenna sighed. "It was right there in my face. I thought it was strange that he had 2 accounts so I clicked it. You would have done the same thing."

"Did you at least switch the accounts back?" she asked.

I looked back at her, "What?"

"I mean you were snooping though his personal belongings, did you at least put the account back to the way they were before. That explains him saying not to go through his phone, it makes a lot of since now, Oh shit, and I guess he knows I messed with his computer. "Oh my god, you didn't" she sat back in the chair and started rubbing her forehead. "He's going to know about it now."

My stomach dropped, so did my heart. "Maybe I did before I closed it."

"You closed it? Yeah, yeah, he knows you touched his laptop now." She said.

"Look, this is our little secret. Nobody and I mean nobody should know about what I saw on that computer, alright?"

"Alright," She threw her hands in the air agreeing with me.

I grabbed my food and go back to my room.


Hey friends! I decided to go ahead and upload the first 10 chapters. There all done so I am just going to go ahead and publish them! I hope you're enjoying it!

Much love <3 <3 <3

My Professor's Obsession (Markiplier X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant