Chapter 6

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I look at the time on my phone, its 4:49pm. I am sitting in the middle of the hallway in from the class room. People are walking around me, I don't care. The door has been closed since I decided to take my seat here. I just keep waiting for him to open the door and see me sitting here, disgusting looking, wearing an old dirty sweater that I don't think I've washed in 2 weeks and leggings. My hair up in the messiest bun, obviously slept in. My eyes are red and puffy from crying so much in the past couple of days. I can see him just staring at me then shaking his head in disappointment and walking away from me. Since I'm close enough I keep looking at the sliver of space under the door. It's dark, like he has the lights off. I finally look around. The hallways have now cleared which is strange since they were busy just a minute ago.

I stand up and look at my phone again, 4:56. I feel nauseous, my stomach is in knots. I feel guilty and ashamed all at the same time. I walk up to the door, my hand reaches for the door knob but just hover over it. I back away, maybe I shouldn't go, something bad is going to happen. I turn around to walk away, but I just can't walk away, I start pacing in front of the door.


Come on (Y/F/N), if a hot teacher asked me to go meet him after class I would go." I looked over at Jenna who has shoved a huge piece of cheesecake in her mouth. "Wha?"

I roll my eyes and laugh at the mess she is running my fork over the slice in front of me. "I'm never that girl." I say before I finally take a bite.

"Alright listen, because I am tired of you saying that about yourself. How long have I known you?" I shake my head, "Like forever right? You can have any guy you set your mind to. Remember when we went to that party and you walked right up to the homecoming king asked him out? I remember you dragging me out of that party completely pissed because all he wanted that night was sex." Jenna places her hand on top of mine. "Look, there's nothing wrong with being attracted to someone. So he's your teacher, at the end of the semester he won't. In a year he's just some guy that happens to teach at the same university that you attended. I'll be the only one who knows that he was your teacher for a semester. Just promise me this okay?" I take another bite of my cheesecake, then nod. "Please don't mess with him until after the semester." I nod again. "I just don't want you to get into trouble with the school."


I come out of my daydream. I look at my phone one more time, 5:15. I take a deep breath, turn the knob and step inside. The room is dark but the tables are lined with lit candles. I turn and close the doors so nobody would walk by and questioning what is going on. I turn back and walk toward where I normally sit in class. It's the only part of the desks that's not completely covered in candles. There's a note folded and standing up, addressed: To Miss. (Y/L/N). I flip it over. I hope this helps to forgive me. I tap the note on my hand. I look up to the front of the room and see a small table in the middle of the floor, with two chairs on each side. I walk up to it, the table is nicely plated with food and drinks, I look back around the room but it was empty.

"Hello," I say into the nothingness, I walk over to his desk, there's nothing on it. I hop up on it, He has to come back at some point and get rid of everything right? I sat there, playing with the note, rereading it over and over. He comes through a door at the front of the room I have never noticed before and starts to blow out the candles in the front row. I watch as he holds his tie close to him and with one breath knocks out maybe 4 or 5 candles. "The room looks nice."

He jumps and his eyes come straight to mine. "I didn't think you were going to show up," he says very quietly. He stands up straight lays his tie flat against his chest. I nodded then looked down. "I waited in here for more than 10 minutes."

I watched as he came closer to me, "That's funny. I was outside that door for 45 minutes." I point at the door.

He looks down at the watch around his wrist and scrunches his eyebrows. "It's only 27 minutes after 5."

I nodded then looked back down at the note. "Yeah, I know."

He stands directly in front of me. I am sitting crossed legged on his desk. He places both hands on my thighs. "I thought you decided not to come so," he pulled a folded note from his pocket and places in on the desk next to me. "I just went back to my office and signed it." He turns around and starts blowing out more candles.

"What were you going for here?" I asked bluntly, I hop down from the desk and cross my arms.

"What?" he said turning away from the candles.

"Explain to me what you were going for here."

He takes a couple of steps closer to the little table, he sighed. He runs his hand over his eyes. "I guess I don't really know."

"Because to me," I point to myself. "It looks like you are trying to romance me."

He looks over at me, then back to the desks full of candles. "Yeah," he breathily chuckles. "It looks that way doesn't it?" He sits down in the chair furthest away from me. Then runs his fingers through his hair leaning forward placing his elbows on his knees, then his head in his hands.

"You know, me looking at the lock screen of your computer isn't that terrible of a crime." I say fumbling with the card in my hand. "I can just say that to the dean if you decide to turn me in."

"I never planned on turning you into the dean." He said.

"I'm not done," I said pointing at him. "However, a teacher-student relationship, that's a whole other set of rules we are breaking. I mean, you could lose your job, I can lose my diploma." I look down at the floor. "I don't want that for either of us."

I hear the chair scoot back. In no time I can feel him standing very close to me. "I would hate to see you not get your diploma because of something I thought we both wanted." He whispered.

I turn back and look at him, "I never said I wanted this." I pointed back and forth to each of us.

He puts his hands in his pockets, "From the little I picked up from the text messages, they were mocking you, the whole childish chant about two people sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G, except more adult themed.

"I had mentioned to my roommate that you very handsome. That is all I said, she then started the teasing from there." I whispered back.

He breathily laughed and turned away, "Yep, I'm a fool." He said walking to the other side of the classroom. "I knew in the back of my mind that this was too much, I'm just taking this too far. But my gut just kept saying just got for it." He walked up to a new row of lit candles and blew most of them out.

"Mr. Fischbach, I really wish things were different." I put my head down, a tear falls on my notecard, and I try to wipe them off ofthe paper. "If it wasn't for the fact that you are my teacher, I would agree to this." I swing my arm around pointing to the room. "Maybe at the end of the semester, we could talk about trying it again?" My voice cracks a bit from crying.

He walks up to me. He grabs my cheek and wipes away the tear that just fell. "Yeah, I would like that." He smiles and places his hand on my hip.

His hand never leave my cheek, his thumb just keeps wiping away tears. I chuckle, "You know, I have cried more in the past 24 hours over you than probably all of your other students combined."

He lifts my chin with his pinky, "You were crying over me?"

My eyes locked onto his, my stomach still feeling tangled in a bigger knot. "Yeah," I half smiled. His hand moves slowly down to my neck, his thumb fell on my chin, "I actually feel like I could flood the room with tears now." I say turning my face away from him. He tightens his grip gently around my neck. He then places his other hand on the other cheek. I close my eyes and bury my cheek into his hand.

Then a pair of soft lips met mine.


Hey friends! This was my favorite chapter to write. I wonder what yours is I'd love to know what yours is!

Much love <3 <3 <3

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