Chapter 7

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I push against his chest after realizing that his lips were on mine. I start breathing heavily and I push myself against his desk. My knees are so wobbly, I feel like I could fall to the floor at any minute. I place my hands over my eyes hiding the fact that I'm crying harder than I was before. His hands slide up my arms resting on my shoulders. The ringing in my ears drowns out that he keeps talking.

I push against him again, I go to take a step but my knee gives out, I start to fall. He wraps his arms around me to catch me. "Are you alright? (Y/N) answer me please."

"Coming here was a mistake," I sigh. I turn and grab the paper behind me. I turn back and push off his chest again.

I start to walk away, "I'm so sorry." I turn back toward him. He has his hands pushed against the desk. I walked back to him. I reach in my back pocket and grab a folded piece of paper. "Here," I say throwing it on the desk beside him, "There's my writing assignment,"

"That's not due until tomorrow," he says grabbing it.

"Yeah, I don't know when I am coming back to class." I turn and walk away.


"So what did he do?" Jenna questions excitedly as I walked through the door.

I wasn't ready for questions so I stared at her for a minute trying to think of something to say. "Ugh... he just... apologized. He said when you kept calling he tried to answer and when he swiped down the notification bar that message was there. It was nothing."

"You've been crying," she pointed out.

I sighed, "Yeah," rubbing my eyes. "We had a long talk about the message and you know how I feel about being embarrassed."

"I'm so sorry," she said. "I told you I would go with you and apologize. I will still go with you." I shake my head and go back into my room. I leaned against my door crying. I decide that right now is as good a time to take a shower. I open the door, the apartment was quiet. Jenna must have gone to bed.


I walk back into the room with the towel wrapped around my hair, tightly, and wearing the same clothes from earlier. I open my backpack to put the signed transfer paper in there so I wouldn't lose it. There is only one other loose piece of paper, I pull it out and look over it. I sit down at my desk. I pull an empty piece of paper out and begin to write:

I already turned this assignment in, however it was bullshit. I just wrote that down is because the temptation to look through your phone was keeping me up all night. The idea of secrets so dark that you bluntly tell someone to stay out consumed my thoughts. But I get now why you said it, I fell into temptation looking at your computer, and I apologize for that. I'm writing this after leaving your classroom, let me tell you, tonight have been the worst for me coming to terms with temptation.

I sat in front of the classroom door, tempted not to go inside. I'm glad I did, because that was the most romantic gesture anyone has done for me. You not being in the classroom broke my heart, only because I pushed you away, and took my time to walk in. I sat there for a while, thinking of the words I wanted to say to you. I was even tempted to leave, because sometimes using no words is better than any. When you walked back into the room all my thoughts disappeared, then when you started blowing out the candles, I hated myself more than anything. I imagine that took hours to put up, all the candles and everything and only minutes to take down.

But I think out of everything I just wrote down, the worst I felt all night by far. I was tempted to kiss you back but instead I pushed you away.


Hey friends, I know this is a very short chapter however the next three are longer and starts picking up I promise. <3 . Also this chapter has the last assignment type insert in it, I just wanted this one so it could advance the story, the other one was just because I wanted to put it in for something coming up in the story.

Much love <3 <3 <3

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