Chapter 40

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Grabbing the papers from his desk and walking back out to the living room, I get to the couch where Mark is still reading over the papers I gave him. Sitting down next to him I start reading as well. It just about how I was selected for the scholarship and how I have to talk to the Department head. I look over at Mark, "Is this true?"

I point at the line, "Oh, I forgot, you have an appointment with her tomorrow."

My eyes widen, "When were you going to tell me that? I have nothing nice to wear Mark." I get up from the couch, "I have to get something..." Running around the living room looking for my wallet and keys.

"Well why don't we make it a date, we can I look for you something to wear and we can get dinner." He says standing up from the couch, "Plus you can tell me about being home. I mean I haven't talked to you in two days."

I smile, "Okay."


We sat down at the restaurant, "So tell me about your trip, what happened?" Mark says breaking the ice, we've been sitting in silence for a while.

"Well," I say sipping from my drink. "The night I didn't call you, dad and I just sat and watched a movie then had dinner. I didn't realize how much I've missed it." I looked over at Mark whose messing with his fingernail. His arms are propping himself up on the table and he's just looking down. "I only mean it by like..."

He looks up, "No, I completely understand. I feel that way coming home from my mom's."

I look down at the table myself, "Can I ask you something?" Before he even gave me an answer I just asked anyway. "When we got out to her grave, there was a single white rose just sitting on top. Did you have something to do with that?"

He reached across the table, "I promise, I might have sent you a bunch of things to your house, but I would never do anything like that."

"I'm sorry I asked," I say grabbing his hand. I sigh, "It's been weighing on my mind."

He grips my arm, "I bet that was strange to find. Plus, I sent you white roses that same morning, I get where you put two and two together." "So what else did you do?" he asked taking a drink of his drink, obviously trying to change the subject.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I told you on the phone but my dad moved, so I had to move my room to the new place."

He takes a drink of his drink, "Why did he move?" He puts his drink down, "If you don't mind me asking."

"Umm... Well Dad and I have bad memories in that house. Plus, my dad's a single guy whose only kid is in college. It's also closer to his shop, there's a million reasons." I say taking a drink.

He nods his head, "Do you like the new place?" he asks with a smile.

"Yeah, the house is one story, which is different and I enjoy it." I say with a huge smile across my face. "What else do you want to talk about?"

He sits back in his seat, "Do you care if we talk about..." he stops and puts his gaze on the table in front of me. The waitress comes over and takes our order and Mark avoids looking at me at all costs.

She finally leaves, "You want me to talk about Chad and John?"

He finally looks back up at me, "I don't want to burden you with it."

"No, you are not," I entwine my fingers and start rubbing the back of my thumb with the other one. "I decided when I was back home I was going to talk about with you. Besides, my drunken mouth already started." I say with a chuckle. "When everything happened and the dust around it settled, John was basically planning to move cross country with family. There was only three months till the end of junior year and he said if he made the trip he was just going to get his GED. That's fine and everything but we knew that he was never going to get around up there and do it. Like I said there were only three months left to the end of the year so Dad and I talked it over and he came and stayed with us." The waitress brought us our food, looking down at the plate in front of me it didn't sound appealing. I kind of pushed the plate away so I could talk some more. "John's smart and hardworking, he had a job when he moved in with us so he wasn't really home but when he was he stayed in his room and played video games all the time."

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