Chapter 44

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I wake up on my back, completely covered in blankets. Feeling my phone under my hand, I grab it and check the time, it's after 3 am. I look around only to find my neck a little stiff, nothing major. Mark was not in bed with me, but he has obviously been in at some point. I get up from the bed and walk out to the balcony to see him sleeping on the couch. I'm very confused why he's down here, I quietly make my way down the stairs and go to the spare bedroom grabbing a blanket out of the closet and bring it back. I drape the blanket over him and walk back upstairs to bed.


"Come on," he says holding out his hand. "I'll finish what I need to and come join you in a bit."

I shake my head, "No, I can wait until your done at least."

He shook his hand at me again, "I told you I was going to make this weekend relaxing and it's started off shitty for the second time we've tried to do this." He paused, "You are going to go upstairs, and going to watch a movie or something and I'll be up there in a little bit."

I reach over and grab his hand, "I know if I don't do it then I'm just going to be picked up and carried up there." I stand up from the chair. He wraps his hands around me, "I'm sorry for all of this." I say looking at the hand I just put on his chest.

"For all of what?" he asks confused. "You have done nothing wrong?"

I exhale while rolling my eyes, "If it wasn't for me getting up in his face we wouldn't be in trouble like this at all."

He pulls my chin up, "You have done nothing wrong."

I just stare into his dark brown eyes, "If I didn't..."

He puts his finger over my mouth, "You did nothing wrong." He moves his finger, "You are going to go upstairs and relax." He grabs my hand and starts pulling me through the house, up the stairs and to bed, the covers were a mess, I just crawled through the blankets to my side. Mark passes me the remote after I'm settled. I grab it putting it down next to me and I watch as he walks to the closet, undoing his button up. He walks back out a minute or two later in just his boxers and walks to the dresser grabbing a shirt and shorts. He comes up beside me placing a kiss on my forehead then continues kissing down to my cheek as well. He hesitates before pulling away then goes around the bed and out the door.


Getting back in bed I hear Chica's nails hit the floor downstairs. Not long after that I hear shuffling and the screen door open. I get back out of bed I walk to the balcony, Mark stands arms folded staring out the sliding door watching as his dog is outside. "I hope I didn't wake you," I say trying to get his attention.

He turns back to me and smiles, "No, you were fine. Did you sleep well?"

"I mean I slept most of the evening," I say with a sigh. "But yeah, it was pretty nice." I cross my arms, "I remember waking up for a minute and you coming to the room, why were you asleep on the couch?"

Chica's nails hit the glass behind him causing him to jump and he lets her in. "I got a phone call and you started stirring so I took it down here and it's just kind of kept me on my toes so I was just sitting down here and I guess I fell asleep." Chica came running up the stairs and pressing her head against my leg.

I smile and pet her head, "What was the phone call about?"

"They found him," My attention shoots up to him. "He was trying to get some information from his office at the school. He was arrested." I feel like bursting into tears, even though I was relieved that he was no longer going to be a bother to Mark and I there was just a lot that was going to happen from this point. Going to court, making sure we know what happens to him, knowing were safe for the future. Watching his face it only seemed partially relieved.

"But that's not the information that kept you on your toes?" I say concerned.

He shakes his head, "They looked through everything in his office and your file and mine are missing."

I nod my head, "What does..."

"She's still on the run..." he says, "She could be trying to find us."

I nod my head, "That's why you were down here. In case..."

He shakes his head, "Just in case she found us here."

"I'm sorry that I was asleep, or I would have kept you company." I say looking back down to Chica as I pet behind her ear.

I hear him stomping up the stairs, "You didn't need to keep my company. I think I've been stressing you out more because I'm worried. But, since he is no longer going to bother us I feel a lot better."

I shake my head, "Now it's just the tedious task of going through the court system trying to get him taken care of." He wraps his arm around my back.

The other hand comes up beside my face, "We can handle this together."

I smile and nod my head, "Of course." He leans over and kisses me.

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