Chapter 32

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Mark looks excited to see me as I opened his office door after taking my shower and putting everything in the living room for us to watch a movie.

"How close are you to being done?" I asked walking up to the edge of his desk.

He smiles then clicks a couple of things, "I actually just finished."

I squint my eyes at him, "Are you just saying that or..."

He smiles, "No, I'm actually done." He turns his office chair opening his arms inviting me over. I smile then find my way into them. I sit on his lap and snuggle my face into the crease of his neck. "I can't wait to do this all weekend," he whispers, "Now that everything is done."

"I have a movie picked out and popcorn is waiting for us in the living room as well." I sit up, the background of his computer catches my eye. It's the photo that he took of me, from our first night together.

His hand runs up and down my back, "I hope you don't mind." His hand stops on my lower back, "I figure it was time for an update."

I look back at him, "Can I ask you something?" He nods looking up at me, "Did you leave her the background of your computer because you still had feelings for her?"

He presses his lips together, "At first it was yes," his hands starts moving again. "But then I bumped into her a year after we broke up, she had already moved on. Found someone really good for her. I just never changed it, I was just kind of use to it. I had been wanting to change it and get rid of all those photos, which I did when I put everything back on this computer. But there's no feelings left for her."

I look back to him, "Okay," I almost don't say out loud.

"I however have feelings for the beautiful woman on the background of my computer now." he says pointing to the screen.

"Oh," I said pretending to not know, "Tell me all about her."

He pulls me back to his chest, "Well, she's really smart. She's so caring and amazing," he says as he plays with the wet hair hanging down my back.

"It sounds like you do have feelings for this girl," I said closing my eyes.

"Yeah, she deserves more than I've given her," he said kissing my forehead.

I sit up a bit to look at him, I whisper since I'm so close, "You have given me more than you will ever know."

"Like what?" he sounded disappointed.

I stare at him, "Like happiness. I feel like this semester has been straight out of the Twilight Zone. You're the only normal thing that's happened," I put my head back down on his chest.

He places more kisses on my forehead. "Let's go enjoy each other for the rest of the weekend and not worry about a thing?"

"That sounds great," I say quietly.


I wake up with the morning sun warm on my face and my arms wrapped around Mark. Just as every morning should start. I raise my head to see him still sound asleep, trying not to wake him I look around, We must have fallen asleep watching the movie. I look down to see our bodies entwined with each other's. My leg almost straddling his, my hand resting perfectly in the center of his chest where one of his hand rests on top of my wrist. I can feel his other hand resting in the middle of my back.


"What is this movie?" I ask taking a big bite of food.

My Professor's Obsession (Markiplier X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz