Chapter 27

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I've spent the last two hours doing my homework in the library. I've stayed till closing time, actually I kindly asked the older lady at the desk to stay open for another 15 minutes so I could finish the last of my assignments. I packed everything back up and left, thanking the woman at the desk.

I walk to the student store, which isn't that far from the library and luckily still open. Buying random office supplies that I need and I also just pick up random things. I walk back to my apartment building but I don't want to go upstairs. I pull my keys out of my purse and drive to the nearest actual store.

My phone has gone off several times while I've been walking around the store. I've randomly been buying things that have been on the back of my mind. I look down at my basket to see I have just put an extra set of my bathroom stuff and some shower things for Mark in my basket. I'm glad I still think I'm going to be going over to Mark's place after this.

I find myself staring at the chocolate section and just start putting random bars of chocolate in my basket. I go down to the frozen section and grab a small tub of vanilla ice cream. I always crave vanilla when I'm upset. I set my things down on the counter. The woman looks at me and puts her hand over her heart. I stare at her confused, grabbing my things I walk out to my car. I finally looked down at my phone to see 15 missed calls from Mark starting from the time I left the apartment. I guess it's time to go home.


I come back to the apartment, it's empty like I expected, but there are several vases of fresh flowers across the kitchen and living room. I put the things on the table and put the ice cream in the freezer. I walk back to my bedroom. I sit down on the bed as I try and call Mark. It just keeps ringing. He's just giving me a taste of my own medicine I guess. I fall back on the bed frustrated with myself. I close my eyes trying to prevent myself from crying.


Arms wrap around my sides and I could feel kisses tickle down my neck. I push against the arm that's wrapped around me, "I'm sorry." His voice was soft and raspy. "I kept pushing and I should have just left it alone."

"No, I shouldn't have left the way I did. I should have just sat down and talked to you." I said crying. "I push people away."

He sat up looking at me, "You had every right to walk away. I was being an ass and you wanted space." He gripped to me tighter. "But I knew I should have stayed in my office when he asked to see you alone. I should have been there to protect you. But for now on I'm going to make sure he doesn't harass you." He says rather demanding.

I sit up making him completely let go of me, "Trust me I think I got my point across quite nicely. I came to this school to get away from my troubles and they followed me. I've had a horrible day and I just want to have a normal weekend."

"Tell me about your day?" He says sitting on his knees in front of me. I now noticed wiping my face that he's not even on the bed anymore.

I shake my head confused, "What?"

His hand grips my knee, "Tell me about your day." He says again.

"I mean you were with me 90% of it." I say still very confused. "You dropped me off here, I found out Jenna's pregnant. I yelled at her for it, she yelled back. I went to my first two classes and then to your class and all that happened. Then I came home and walked out on you. I went to the library and did homework then came back and I guess feel asleep." I said looking back to the bed.

He smiles, "Well from what I saw, I saw my beautiful girlfriend who accidentally put her shirt on backward this morning stand up against an asshole and I am so amazed by her." His hands trailed up my legs. "She's smart and wonderful and I acted like a jerk because she wouldn't talk to me." He closes his eyes and looks down.

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