Chapter 23

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"That test was super easy," she says as we walk out of the classroom.

"I know but that's just the first," I say grabbing my keys from my purse. "Hey, I'll stop on the way home and get us Chinese take-out and we can have girl's night."

She shyly smiles at me, "I would love too but maybe tomorrow, I have plans tonight."

"Oh okay," I say surprised. "Well, have fun tonight," I turn and walk out of the building to my car. Today was my short class day, so I decide to go home and spend the day to myself. I mean besides Mark wanting me to stop by with lunch at some point, he can interrupt at any point he wants.

I spend the couple of hours at home cleaning up. I also brought my backpack up so I can clean it out from all my adventures away from home. I finish up everything I needed and decide to make a little picnic for the both of us. I pack us a bag of food and place it on the kitchen table waiting for his call.

I sit down on the couch and decide to finish my homework. It didn't take very long but now I am officially caught up for the weekend. I was putting everything away when my phone started ringing. "Hello," I answer.

"Come save me snowflake," he says quietly.

I laugh, "That bad? Well I have lunch set out for the both of us." I walk over to the table where the food is sitting.

"I'm going to have to cancel lunch, I actually just spent the hour I had talking to the Dean and his administration about my teacher evaluation that's happening tomorrow. I'm now in panic mode because my meeting is 2 hours long and the computer store just called and they finally have the package I need and they close an hour after my meeting. I have to figure out how to get over there in time. Plus on top of working on fixing my computer I have grading to work on." He sighs, I can tell though the phone that his hairs a mess from stressfully running his hands through his hair. "I'm sorry snowflake. I didn't mean to tell you all my frustrations."

"Send me all the information about picking up the package, I'll go get it." I say as I walk around the apartment getting my things together.

"I'm not going to ask you to that for me," he whispers.

I grab my purse and wrap it around me, "You don't have to ask, I'll help you out anytime. Just text me the details I need to know."

"Thank you snowflake, I owe you so much," he says. I can hear the relief in his voice. "You will have to come by and grab my card from me."

"Alright, I'll also hide you a coffee in your office," I say. "Call me when you are out of your meetings and when you are on your way I'll also have dinner prepared so you don't have to worry about it as well."

"Snowflake..." he tries to stay.

"No, let me take care of you," I say leaving the apartment locking it behind me. "Go back to your meetings, focus on that and let me take care of everything else." I say.

"Thank you," he says hanging up the phone.


I wasn't gone for more than a couple hours. I ran to the school dropping off a coffee for Mark with a note that says: Call me later, (Y/N). I left the box of computer things in my car so I didn't have to lug them back down the stairs. It was heavy when I walked it out of the store. I also bought a several bags of groceries. I sit them down on the table and start unpacking them across the kitchen. I start making little snack packs so Mark doesn't have to worry about making food for the night. I bought little containers for everything so it won't be a mess for him to sort though.

My Professor's Obsession (Markiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now