Chapter 17

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I walk into the class room with two coffees in my hands. He's facing to the marker board erasing stuff from his last class. My heels are loud against the tiles in the classroom floor. I stand at the back of the room admiring him. He has one hand in his pocket his feet parted just enough to make his pants stretch to hug his hips and right under his butt very nicely. His other hand is holding the eraser block swiping slowly back and forth. At some point today he's taken his suit jacket off, the white shirt tucked in his pants from around his slim figure nicely. I smile, and then start walking to the front of the room. I watch my feet, "Miss (Y/L/N), you look beautiful." His voice made me look back up as I turned in front of the first desk. I start blushing passing one of the cups toward him. He grabs the cup then put's the cup on his desk. He then grabs my empty hand and spins me around. I am smiling ear to ear as I twirl around. He then holds my hand as I face toward him. "The next time we have a break I need to tell you something." He lets go of my hand.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, everything is fine," someone walks in the room. "I'll tell you after class," he whispers.

I nod then walk to my chair, I pull out my pen from my purse then start drinking my coffee. It wasn't long before students started filling the room and Mark starts class. He walks around and passing out the study guide. "You can stay in the room and fill it out if you would like or you can leave and fill it out later as well." He stands in front of me then hands me a packet. I look down and mine is already filled out, with a note on the top that says: You can sit in my office if you would like. I smile, and then look over the paper, everything is filled out. This must have been the one I filled out last night.

I look around the room, watching as people get up and leave, I decided to leave as well. I folded the paper and walked to the door, I looked back a him. He's standing at the front of the room with both his hands in his pockets, half smiling at me as he looks me up and down again.

I walk down the hallway to his office. Luckily all the doors are closed as I walk by. I open his door to see a bouquet of (Your Favorite Flower) sitting at the edge of his desk. I walk up closing my eyes and bury my nose in the flowers. I open my eyes then pull one out, I smell it again then look down an envelope with my name on it catches my attention. I pick it up and open it, I pull out a blank tan card, I open it inside are two ticket to the orchestra concert at the college tonight and a hand written note from Mark that says I hope you enjoy music, I'm looking forward to tonight. Mark.

I sit down on the chair on the other side of the room.

I go through the packet of papers, his hand writing is kind of sloppy but I can still read it. I re-read the note at the top of the page. I imagine him sitting in here, placing the flowers down on his desk getting ready for today. Having all the copies sitting neatly on the edge of his desk, he reaches down and grabs the one already filled out in his bag then stares at it, smiling. He looks back up at the flowers then starts thinking about how he was going to give me the flowers, then realizing that he could just leave them in here and just getting me in here. He looks back down at the paper then writes the note, then gently places the paper on the top of the pile to remember which is mine. The door flings open wakes me from my thoughts, "Hey, I thought I would find you here," he says smiling. He walks over, "Do you like the flowers?"

I chuckled, "So much I have taken one out of the vase," I hold it up to my nose.

"You look stunning," he says lightly. He gently places his hands on the sides of my head, placing a sweet kiss on my forehead. "Seeing you dressed so nicely makes me want to take you out more often." He says pulling away.

I start picking at my fingernails, hiding my face. "Well I only have 3 more dresses in my tiny closet."

He lifts my chin, "Well that's 3 more guaranteed dates." He lightly kisses my lips. He's been treating me like a delicate flower all day, I really like it.

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