Chapter 41

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I pace in the hallway nervously, the combination of not knowing what's going to happen when I walk in the room and having to explain myself to a woman I've never met. I grip the papers in my hands harder. I make one more lap around in my circle. Mark walks out of the office causing me to jump. "She's waiting for you," I feel myself starting to shake. He closed the door, and wraps his my arms around me. "You are going to do great," he whispers. He lets go and turns back to the door opening it for me.

I just stare at the doorway in front of me, taking a deep breath, I walk into her office. A younger woman sitting at the desk catches my attention, I wasn't expecting her. She's messing with the laptop sitting off-center on her desk. "Please Miss. (Y/L/N), have a seat. I've almost finished making sure everything is correct." I sit down in the chair next to the door. I place everything I was holding down on my lap. "I don't want to give or get the wrong information." She looks over with a very beautiful white smile. I look around the room, on a bookshelf behind her desk are several frames filled with pictures of little boy probably about 6 or 7. He's at least old enough to be in school seeing as the far left frame was his photo and there was this year's numbers in the bottom corner. "That's my son Marcus," she says causing me to look back at her, "He's my baby."

I smile, "He's cute."

She turns back to her computer printing something. She grabs the papers from the tray, "Sorry, I've had a very busy day. I didn't have the chance to do this earlier." I shake my head. She moves the laptop out of the way and grabs a pen. "I have all of your important information written down from your file but we have some extra questions that we like to know about the person getting the scholarship."

I smile and nod, "Alright, ask me anything." I regret saying that immediately. Nothing against her, just I hate talking about myself.

"How long have you been seeing Mark?" she says clicking her pen and looks back up at me.

I shake my head, "Exc..."

She rolls her eyes, "The Dean told me about his meeting with you. Sleeping with him has its perks I guess." She says with a wide smile across her face.

I shake my head, "So if you know about the meeting, then you know that he pushed me up against the door and tried to get me to sleep with him?"

She rolls her eyes again, "There's a difference between blowing and sleeping with."

"Are you serious?" I say to myself, rubbing my forehead in frustration. "I'm leaving, I don't want this scholarship."

Before I could get out of my seat she was across the room blocking the door, "What does Mark see in you?"

Staring at her confused, "What are you..."

"Since I started here I have tried to sleep with him. I've tried everything, then your ass walks in and he's all over it?" She crosses her arms in front of her.

I shake my head, "If you are with the Dean, why do you want Mark so much?"

She moves to the back wall, "Have you seen him? He's the total package. Besides I have everything he would want, I have a secure job, financial security, he wants a family and I already have a pre-started one." She looks over at the pictures of Marcus behind her desk.

"Doesn't the Dean want all of that?" I ask trying to get this very awkward conversation off of Mark.

She shakes her head, "He won't leave his wife." She steps away from the door back to her desk. "Look, I've opened up way to much... Just... I owe Mark a favor, just sign the papers for the 'hush hush' scholarship and we can keep all of this a secret." After she did the air quotes around hush hush, she passed me the papers to me.

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