Chapter 5

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I skimmed the story I wrote the other night during today's class. I really didn't want to show up to class today, "Alright," his voice echoed through the room. "I will see you all this Friday and please have your writing assignments ready that I assigned Monday." Most of the students were out the door before he finished talking.

I slowly put my things away waiting for the last of the class to leave. I walk from around the table when I bump into him. "I'm really glad you showed up for class today."

"I want to transfer out of class." I say with no hesitation after he speaks. I push a tri-folded piece of paper to him.

He rips it out of my hands, "Why?"

Sighing, "I don't believe this class is what I need right now." Good lie (Y/N).

"Well, I'm sorry. If you want to graduate next year like you said then you need both of these classes." He said confidently.

"Mrs. Radley teaches the same class." I say shyly.

"She only teaches English 303. I am the only one who teaches Creative Writing." He tries to pass back the piece of paper.

I walk away, "Of course." I say throwing my hands up in frustration.

He places his hand around the back of my arm. "Let me make up for yesterday," he says. I turn back to face him. I look down at the ground or anywhere really so I don't have to make eye contact with him.

My hair falls in front of my face. He takes a step closer to me, "Please," he moves my hair out of my face and puts it behind my ear, then puts his fingers under my chin. I look up at him. "Meet me in here at 5'o clock tomorrow."

"Why are you touching me?" I question as I swat his hands away, "Also why should I?"

He sighs and puts his hands in his pockets, then leans down putting his face close to mine. "I will not beg," I turn to walk away, but he grabs my hand. I look back at him, then down to our hands together. His hands are so soft and strong. I realize that we had been holding hands for too long and I pull my hand away. "Look," he finally said, "If you don't come tomorrow, I'll get the message. I will sign the paper, but if you come and are still unhappy, when you come to class Friday I will give you the paper signed. Give me a chance." He commanded. I looked up at his soft brown eyes hopelessly looking down at me. My mind blankly just turned and left the room.


A soft knock came from my door. I climbed out of bed and opened it. Jenna stood there wide eyed. "Hey" she said shyly. I rubbed my eyebrow and walk back to bed. I fall flat on my face, "Where have you been?"

"Here," I mumble though the bedding.

"Why did you skip class yesterday?" she asked.

I turn my face toward her. She was sitting at my desk chair at the end of my bed with her arms crossed. "What is this, 20 questions?"

"Well, I haven't seen you since yesterday morning, where you left here dressed very nicely to talk to your professor. You didn't come to class yesterday. You haven't returned any of my calls or texts or even knock on your door. So yes, this is 20 questions."

I sit up and prop myself against the headboard of my bed. "Fine," I say, "I imagine you are not going to leave until you get what you want so, what was the question?"

She rolled her eyes, "Why did you skip class yesterday?"

"Mr. Fischbach wouldn't give me my phone back until I explained why I was messing with his computer." I roll up the sleeves to the hoodie I'm wearing, "Next?"

"Did you get to explain what happened?" she asked another question.

"No, I never got the chance." I sighed.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, he got pissed that you knew about the phone, it was dumb. Then he told me he went through my messages from you." I shrugged.

"Wait, he read your text messages?"

I stared at her, "Yeah."

"Well can you be mad at him? You went through his computer." She tried to reason.

"I didn't invade as much as he did. I only got the background of a lock screen. He however got text messages." I said, I grabbed a pillow and started squeezing it.

"What are you going to do?" she asked.

I looked over at her and shrugged my shoulders, "I went to the administration office and I requested a transfer out of his class. They gave me the piece of paper, but he has to sign it."

"Did he sign it?"

"Well, he's the only one who teaches Creative Writing, so I'm stuck in that class." I buried my face into my pillow. She didn't say anything. "I went through my read messages," I said. I reach over to my bedside table for my phone. "I am officially embarrassed to go back anywhere near him." I unlock my phone and pull up her texts.

"It wasn't that bad." She says.

"(Y/F/N) and Mr. Fischbach sitting in lecture, dreaming about him over you F-U-C-K-I-N-G" I read. I throw my phone on the bed. "Yeah, not that bad," I lay down on my back looking at the light in the middle of the ceiling.

"Look," she says. "I'll go to class with you Friday I'll apologize personally, and take the blame for everything."

"He wants me to meet him tonight." I don't know why I said that, it was just kind of a reflex.

She stops dead in her tracks, then turns back and looks at me, "What does that mean?"

"He wants to apologize for what he did." I sigh, "Will you keep a promise for me?" I can see her out of the corner of my eye nodding her head. "I told him the only thing you know is that I accidently took the phone. Please, you know nothing about the private account."

She grabs my door knob then looks back at me, "I promise," then closes the door.


Hey friends, I'm half way there! (woah whoo I'm living on a prayer.)

Much love <3 <3 <3

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