Chapter 16

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I lay back down on the bed, breathing heavily. I can feel the light sweat over my whole body. I open my eyes, waiting for my core to stop twitching. Mark's eyes gently met mine, and then he leans down and kisses me just as gently as his eyes are looking at me. I sit up as far as I can without using my hands to prop me up. I bite his lower lip I could tell from the way his breath hitched that he really enjoyed that. I let go, and then fall back down on the pillow. He stands up straight but not moving his leg, staring over my body. I watch his eyes go from my lips down the bare skin showing. He pulls his lower lip in and biting it, then slowly let's go of it.

He leans over again and unties my hands, throwing the tie to the end of the bed. "Wait," I say as I sit up, "What about you?" I pull my hands up and grab the top of his pants. I slowly start unzipping his pants.

"Oh trust me," he lightly runs his fingers through my hair, "As much as I would love to flip you over and finish what I started, I'll take care of myself." He says, he pulls his leg from between my legs. He walks over to his backpack, grabs the top then walks to the bathroom.

"What are you going to do?" I ask curiously.

He pokes his head out, "I'm going to take a shower." He moves back into the bathroom. Then finally hearing the door latch I lay back on the bed, I can feel the cold sweat on my back, and I sigh again. I feel gross, I probably smell horrible too. I reach up to run my fingers through my hair when I see on the back of my wrist the red mark from where his tie was around my wrist. The door unlatches again and I sit up looking at him, he pokes his head out again. "You can remove the device if you want or keep playing with it," He squints then watches me, I roll me eyes and he continues, "It's up to you. But if you're done with it would you place it by the bag laying there." He points at the black bag at the end of the bed, I nod. He winks at me then goes back into the bathroom.

I stand up, and pull on the cord to the device down my pants. The device was warm now, and slippery from me. I grab the base that's been sitting on the edge of the bed, I look at it, and then place it down near his bag. I finally hear the water start for his shower. I look in the bag I don't understand what any of this is so I put the bag back down.

I go over to my backpack and pull out the same shorts I wore the night before. I change quickly then grab a tank-top as well. I hear the water turn off, I pull my shirt off. "Oh, I leave for a minute then you've already gotten changed." He says, I look over, "I mean, mostly." He's standing there, with a white towel wrapped around his waist, the bottom of the towel lands right above his knees. The top, where he's holding at least is holding is lower than where the towel is actually resting. It seems like he's holding it down further to show off the perfect definition lines at his hips. That's my favorite thing on a man, but surprisingly not my favorite feature on him. I look up to his crazy wet hair, standing up at all ends. I laugh a bit, he smiles then looks down, "Like what you see?"

I pull back from admiring him and smile, "I mean," I say fixing my tank top to put it on.

"Wait," he says as he walks closer. He runs his hand over my bare stomach, right below my bra. He slides his hand down on the other side of my hip, and then drags his fingers back. He lands on a clearly dark spot on my belly button, "Belly button piercing?" He asks, placing his lips against my neck.

"Yeah," I whisper. "I was a stupid 18 year old, decided it was a good idea. I took it out a week later. I didn't like the way it looked." I turn my face to him. "And you?"

"Surgery's, I had a tumor removed. That's this one at least," he pulls his arm back and drags it down the longest scar down his stomach.

"Oh," I say under my breath. "I'm sorry," I turn to him. He looks at my stomach, then back up to my face. "If it's any consolation, I think it's sexy." I run my index finger over it, then I look at his face, he's watching my finger. I run my hand over his beard, he looks back at me. I run my thumb on his beard then turn back toward the bed then try and put my tank-top. He grabs my arm and holds it, then turns me toward the wall.

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