Chapter 43

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A couple hours have passed and now the officer is ready to leave, I was holding a copy of the police report that I wrote up. Mark was making a copy of the security footage for him, the officer was being very professional but I could tell he was not going to take this very seriously. Which is disappointing but I know that a girl being assaulted was not going to be taken very serious. The security guard was standing next to the chair I was sitting in, he had been very nice this whole time and seemed to know Mark very well. He at one point when the officer was outside talking to another officer asked about Chica. Honestly if you were in his office you would never know he owned a dog.

Mark finally passed a disk to the officer. The officer turned and waved as he left the room, the security guard and Mark left the room as well without me. I stay sitting in the chair and just run my fingers through my hair, frustrated and confused. Mark walks back in the room and sits down at his desk, "The officer said if they know something or find either of them then they would call us right away."

I nod my head, "That will be nice." I take a second, "You and the security guard seem to know each other." I smile at him.

He smiles back, "A couple years back the Dean started to do background checks for all of the staff. He was a nice guy and told me that he was having a hard time passing his GED English classes, I told him that I would tutor him, he was intimidated by an empty classroom and I didn't want to teach in my office so I just invited him over to my house and we did lessons at my kitchen table. He fell in love with Chica and she took a liking to him as well."

I fold the papers in my hands, "That's awesome."

"I'm going to cancel classes for Friday," he says looking over at me. "We're going to lock ourselves in my house for the weekend. I'm not even going to meetings tomorrow."

I shake my head, "You don't have to do that. Mark we need to keep up that everything is okay. Besides I've already missed one days' worth of my classes this week."

He gets up and walks over to my chair kneeling in front of me, "Everything is going to be completely normal. We can just say this is another get away in my house."

"Can we actually do that?" I ask shyly.

"Have another get away? Of course!" he says. His eyes light up. "We can do whatever you want."

I half smile, "What we want to do." I emphasize the we part of this sentence. He nods his head, I rub my hand on the side of his face wiping his cheek with my thumb.


"Are you okay?" Mark asks again as we are on the drive home.

I smile, "Yes I'm fine. Please, stop asking." He opens his mouth, "I don't want to be mean but you have asked me that every two minutes since we have left the school. I've already said I was fine, I'm just ready to lay down on the couch or the bed."

He grips my knee, "When we get home I'm going to make sure you relax."

I shake my head, "I can take..."

"You are going to relax, you are going to be pampered and you are going to deal with it." He says pointing his finger in my face. I stare at him a bit shocked. "I'm sorry," he puts his hand back on my knee, "I didn't mean to yell at you. I just..."

I shake my head and I look down at my lap. "No, I understand."

We pull into his driveway, he throws it in park and we sit there for a second. "When you passed out," he pauses and looks down at his hand, "I was so scared. I know it's a normal thing to pass out, but my brain went into panic mode." He pauses again, he looks over at me, "I thought I lost you. I know that seems crazy but as soon as you went limp and started to fall all I could do is grab you. I had to make sure you were breathing."

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