Chapter 33

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"What?" I say pushing against his chest sitting back.

"I knew it was going to be a shocker," he says. "Can I explain?"

"There's no need for you to explain," I say quickly.

"I know it's only been a little while but I feel like there's this undeniable connection between us. You are the only thing on my mind all the time. I know it may be rushed and you don't have to say it now, at all, but I have wanted to get it off my chest." I roll off his chest sitting back on the bed.

"Look, I promise I'm not the best person when it comes to getting my feeling across to people. I've been hurt by to many people to just throw my feelings away for anyone."

"That's why I wanted you here this weekend. I wanted us to be together so I could tell you how I really felt." He says rubbing his hand against his face.

"You didn't let me finish what I was saying." I say pulling his chin up with my fingers, "What I was going to say was, I can't sit here and lie that there's something here. I really like you, but I don't think I'm ready to say love yet. If you give me the time maybe I will say it," I let go of his chin.

He wrapped his arms around me pulling me in for a tight hug. "I will let you have all the time in the world. You are the most amazing person I have ever met."

I chuckle, "I think you've said that before," I say.

"I just need you to know at all times, snowflake."


I wake up on Marks chest again, I really could get used to doing this every day. I can't believe it's Sunday already. I pull away from him causing him to wake up. "I'm sorry this is how I keep waking you up, but you wake me up so gently."

He chuckles, "It's fine," he says rubbing his eyes. "Honestly, I could probably go back to sleep."

"Do it," I say leaning up kissing his forehead, "I might come back up in a bit and join you."

He looks at me confused, "What are you planning on doing?"

"Cleaning myself up, this is almost two full days in this shirt." I say pulling on it. "That should be the limit on any clothing."

He chuckles again, "I understand." I get out of bed and open the dresser pulling my clothes out of the drawer. "Enjoy your shower," he says. I run up and place a sweet kiss on his lips.

I run downstairs only to have Chica bump my leg going past me. She stands at the back door and before I go to the bathroom I let her out. I slowly walk my way to the bathroom and in no time have taken a shower and completely changed. I walked out of the bathroom and walk to the door to my left placing my clothes on the floor next to the washer.

I let Chica back inside and decide to do the same thing I had done after our first night together. Honestly I should just buy a journal at this point because I love writing about everything we've done together. I walk into Marks office, it's messier than the last time I was in here and the paper tablet wasn't on top of the desk like last time. I pull on a small drawer and it seems to be locked? Who has a drawer on their desk that locks? He must be hiding something important in that drawer.

I find the tablet of paper and begin writing, I mindlessly just kept writing. Walking out of the office I hear my stomach growl. "Breakfast does sound good doesn't it?" Mark says walking down the stairs.

I look at the clock on the wall, "It's lunchtime."

He smiles, "Even better." He walks into the kitchen and I bolt up the stairs. I throw the papers in my bag then run back downstairs. "One of these days I'm going to read those."

I hop on the couch and smile, "I don't know what you're talking about." I grab the remote and go back to the show we were watching.

"You know we are going to have to restart the series," he said putting the plate down in front of me.

I smile as I grab a chip from the plate, "What's the matter," I say smiling. "You don't remember that that kid and that kid totally had a fight and he died."

He looks at me wide eyed, "Woah, spoilers!" he said sitting down. I started laughing so hard that I put my head on his shoulder as I hold my stomach. He puts his hand on my leg, "That doesn't happen does it?" He pushes to my back climbing on top of me.

"You don't remember it?" I ask again.

He brings his lips down against my neck, I bite my lip. "You are such a tease," he says running his hands up my shirt, dragging his nails against my stomach.

I groan as I arch my back, "I'm the tease, you keep doing this we aren't going to watch this show at all." "

We are going to start with episode 3 because I remember that one starting," he says moving away from me. "And if that kid doesn't fight that kid to the death you are not going to get the surprise hiding in the freezer."

I move back to a sitting position, "What's the surprise?"

He stares at me, "That wouldn't make it a surprise if I told you, now would it?"

"But I want to know what it is," I say whining.

He takes a bite of his food, "If that kid doesn't fight that kid to the death you are never going to know."


Hey Friends!

Still doing great on my upload schedule thing... (can you smell the sarcasm through the interwebs?)

I hope you all are having an amazing week and or / weekend!

Much love <3 <3 <3

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