Chapter 36

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The flight was fast, I listened to only a fourth of the book. I guess I'll have to find time this weekend to listen to it. I was one of the last people off the plane. I hate being in the middle of a crowd, besides this give me a chance to call Mark. I tell him I made it home safely. I also call my dad, "Hey, I'm going through baggage right now." I say waiting for my bag to circle around.

"I'm outside," he says.

I smile, "Alright I should be out on a couple of minutes." It doesn't take long before my bag was back in my possession and I walk out of the airport. Dad was standing outside of the car, he doesn't notice me so I run up to him and bear hug him. He grunts as I hit him then wraps his arms tightly around me, "Hi dad."

"Hi pumpkin, you hungry?" he asks letting go of me.

I smile as he takes my bag and throws it in the back seat, "Of course."


We sit down in the booth, the waitress starts talking our ear off. I smile listening to her, she already knows our orders and walks away. "Nothing's changed." I say putting my phone down on the table.

He chuckles as he takes his jacket off, "Oh, plenty has changed." The woman comes over and brings us drinks. I put the straw in mine and take a sip. "I need to talk to you about something."

I put my cup down, "What's up?"

"So, I've been thinking, well since last year about getting rid of the house." He takes a drink of his coffee. "You see it's just to many rooms for just the two of us and it's not helping me that there's horrible memories all over the house." He puts his drink down.

I smile, "That's fine."

He looks up, "I know it's your childhood home but I just think..."

I grab his hand, "Dad it's totally okay."

He stares at me, "You're okay with it?"

The waitress brings us our food now, she stuck around and tried to have a conversation with us but dad was obviously not in the mood to talk about what she wanted to. He turns back to me when she leaves, "You seriously okay with it though?" he asks.

"Yeah, I only need one room and you only need one so what do we need the other rooms for?" I take a bite of my food, "And besides I don't blame you for wanting seeing the house go, I feel the same way, I have more bad memories than good."

He stares at me before taking another drink of his coffee, "Well you took that so well I guess I can tell you I bought us a new house."

It took everything to no choke on my coffee, "Oh," I said between coughs. "Really, just up and bought the place?"

He chews the bite in his mouth, "Well, I mean I've been paying for it for about 3 months now."

"So you just have been paying for an empty house?" I asked confused.

He chuckles, "No, I've been living in the new house. It's a 10 minute walk from work?"

I stare at him like crazy, "Who are you? I think I came home with the wrong dad."

He starts laughing, "I know, you leave and I become a changed man."

"But wait, what about the old house? What's going on with it? Also, where's my stuff?" I ask before taking a bite of food.

He starts taping the table, "So I've got someone at work who has 3 kids who is looking for a place to rent, so I'm going to rent it out to them. As for your stuff, I didn't know what to do with it and I also didn't want to touch any of it so, I was hoping while you were here we could figure out a plan to move it over."

My Professor's Obsession (Markiplier X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang