Chapter 8

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I went to my first 2 classes for the day. I had a test in the first one so I really couldn't stay in bed all day like I wanted. At the end of my second class I walk down to where Mr. Fischbach classroom is, I walk in and nobody is in sight. I put my bag down, normally he's already in here, and maybe he's running behind?" I look down at my phone, class starts in 10 minutes, and normally people are in here by now. I grab my stuff and walk back toward his office.

His office door was shut and I hesitantly knock on the door. I hear someone mumble then loud footsteps to the door, it swings open. He looks a mess, his hair going everywhere, dark bags under his eyes almost covered by his glasses. He's wearing a pair of jeans and a regular t-shirt with a black jacket over top. "Oh," he sounds surprised. "Miss. (Y/L/N), class has been canceled for today," he starts to close the door.

"Here," I say holding out a terribly folded piece of paper. "The other writing assignment I turned in wasn't my finished product." He sighs and then takes the paper. "I really hope class wasn't cancelled because of me." I say before I turn and walk away.


I walk back into the apartment and throw my backpack on the couch. I went back to my room and lay down on the bed. It was quiet for quite a while, but then all at once I hear a bunch of talking coming from the living room. I get up and go see who's with Jenna. "Sorry, I hope we didn't bother you, I just invited so people from my first class over before we go to the club." The other girls reply with a woo and Jenna turns to me. "You want to come with?"

I smile, "No, but thanks for the offer."

"Fine then," she said. The group of girls starts out the door, Jenna turns back and waves. My stomach growls, I go to the fridge, nothing sounds good. I decide the little diner on the other side of campus sounds good. I grab my purse from my bedroom and decide to walk instead of driving.


"What can I get yah?" the waitress questions.

"I just want fries." She smiled and took my menu, "Um..." I stopped her before she turns away,

"Can I also get a chocolate shake?" She walks away nodding. I look down at my phone. Jenna has been spamming my Instagram with photos with her new friends at the club. I sigh then pull my headphones from my purse and put them in my ears. I plug it in then blare some music to drown out the empty diner. The waitress comes back with a plate full of fries and my shake. I smile and thank her, then poured ketchup over them.

In the hour I have sat here I maybe ate a handful of fries but the milkshake was gone. The waitress walks by, I call for her before she goes too far. "Can I get the check please," I turn to grab my wallet from my purse.

"Oh, it's been paid for, you're good to go."

"Excuse me?" I say quickly and confused.

She pointed to a back booth, "He paid for it." She walked away before I could say anything else. He was facing away so I couldn't get a good look at him. I grab my purse and make my way to the booth. I tap on his shoulder.

"Hello," the deep voice sent a cold sweat down my back.

"I seriously cannot catch a break with you can I?" I grab the purse strap and turn to walk away.

"I do the same thing you know?" he says, I turn back around. Before I can speak the waitress brings a plate of fries and water to the table. He thanks her and waits for her to leave, "When I'm stressed or I need a break I come here, to think."

"Well I guess I'll let you go back to thinking."

"I already graded your assignment," he said. He stares to the empty seat in front of him. "You got a hundred on it."

"Don't give me a pity grade."

"I didn't" he snapped. "I genuinely graded it. It's the best things I've ever had turned in."

I roll my eyes, "Alright." I shift my weight between feet. "I'm going home, goodnight."

"Will you sit with me?" he points to the seat.

"No," I quickly answer.

"Please," he begs, "We don't have to talk. I just don't want to sit here alone."

"What do I get out of this?"

He looks up at me and smiles at me, "Well, I've already bought you dinner, twice." I throw my purse to the wall of the empty seat and sit down. I put my hands on my lap. We sat there for a while in quiet. I try to not make eye contact with him. "I really hate reading everyone's writings." I finally look at him, "There so dull, so disingenuous."

"So you did give me a pity grade."

"I already said no," his voice demanded.

"You just said..."

"If everyone wrote like you wrote those papers I would love my job." His tone unchanging.

"Well if everyone had the same experience I did I would be pissed?!" I said blatantly.

He laughed, "Yeah, it's hard to swoon everybody, but you." He points a fry at me, "you're my special snowflake."

"Don't give me a nickname yet." I said reaching across the table and stealing a fry. "I expect a date first."

He smiles, "A date you say," I eat the fry.

I place my hands on the table, "You know two people, trying to impress each other to eventually make and produce offspring." I steal another fry. "Most people call that a date."

He laughs "Alright, Ill set us up a date."

We talked for at least another hour or so. He finished his plate of fries with a little help. "I should probably get going." I say getting up and grabbing my purse. We walked outside together. "Well goodnight," I say. I put my purse on my shoulder, "Also," I grab his arm, "Thanks for the food."

He looks down at me, "Yeah, the company was nice."

"I guess I will see you Monday?" I say before letting go of his arm, "You know, if class isn't canceled." I start walking away.

"(Y/N) are you walking home?"

"Yeah, I left my car back home." I turned back to him.

"I would feel especially guilty if you walked home this late at night. Can I take you home?"

"I promise, I will be fine." I say as I keep walking. I walk no more than 10 steps before it starts pouring down rain. I look up at the sky, just my luck. I start walking again, and then at once feel dry. I look up to see a black umbrella over my head.

I stop and turned around, "Please."

"FINE! I GIVE UP!" I raise my voice. He holds out his hand, I push pass him and start walking to the parking lot. It doesn't take to long for him to catch up and put the umbrella back over my head. He points out his car and I hop in the passenger seat.

He hops in and starts the car "I didn't mean to keep pestering you I just," he says as we start driving away, "I don't want anything bad to happen to you, plus I don't want our first date held up in the house nursing your cold." He says. I give him side eye and then point out my building.

He parks close to the door, "Thank you," I say grabbing the door handle.

"Of course," he says.

I watch as the rain hits the windshield for a minute. I look over at him and he's already looking at me. I lean over and kiss him. We parted and I look into his eye. I place my hand on his cheek, rubbing the stubble on his chin and smile. I sit back in my seat and open the door, leaving while I have the chance.


Oh friends, the story is getting somewhere lol.

Much love <3 <3 <3

My Professor's Obsession (Markiplier X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon