Chapter 28

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Mark moved, unwrapping his arms from me, causing me to wake from a deep sleep. I looked over to see him sitting up in bed, "Is everything okay?" I mumble, still very much asleep.

"Yes," he says with a smile. "Everything is fine, I just woke up."

I groan and reach over for my phone, "What time is it?" I blind myself as I push the home button on my phone.

I drop my phone on the bed giving up, "It's seven," he says.

"Seven? Seven in the morning?" I ask hysterical.

He laughs, "Yes seven in the morning."

I groan again, "Go back to bed!" I say putting my pillow over my face and rolling over. His hands run up and down my back before I fall back to sleep.


I wake up more alert than before. Looking around for my phone only to find it on the floor. I pick it up to see it's now after ten am. That's better, I get up from the bed and grab my jacket from the doorknob of my closet trying to cover myself up more. I walked out to the living room to see Mark is missing. Grabbing my phone out of my pocket to call him he walks through the door. "Good morning snowflake."

He walks to the kitchen putting a bag on the counter, "I thought you went home," I say relieved.

He turns back to the cabinets and finds plates. "I mean I technically did. I ran to my place and let Chica out. Then I went and got us breakfast. How are you feeling?"

I smile, "Pretty good. But you know what I want to do today?"

"What's that?" he says passing me a plate of food.

We both walk to the living room and sit down on the couch, "I just want to watch movies all day."

He smiles, "I would like that."


Several hours have went by and Mark and I have watched a couple of movies. During one of the pee breaks I went to my room and grabbed my notebook. I decided to write while we were watching one of the movies. The credits start to roll, I hadn't even noticed the movie was ending. Mark has been sleeping since the beginning of this movie. My feet are across his lap and I have been trying not to move to much because I'm afraid I might wake him. He looks so peaceful.

I pull my phone out of my pocket to take a picture, I hold it up. "You're not getting a picture of me sleeping." He grabs my phone from my hand putting it down on the arm rest next to him.

"You were sound asleep, how did you know I grabbed my phone?" I asked very confused and very surprised.

He grabs my ankle wiggling, "You moved your foot."

I sit up pulling my legs off of him, "Why don't you go lay down?"

"Only if you join me," he says laying his head against the back of the couch with his eyes closed.

I reach over poking his nose, "Of course, just let me go to the bathroom first." I stand up making my way around him and the couch.

I was in and out of the bathroom, when I walked back Mark was still sitting on the couch but looking down at something. I walked up behind him wrapping my arms around his chest and start kissing his neck when I see my notebook in his hands. "Are these the assignments you're going to turn in?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah," I chuckled. "I had to completely redo all my assignment for a boring class I have." I start laughing.

"Oh, the class is boring, huh?" he say looking over. "Why is it boring?"

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