Chapter 25

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The horrible alarm going off waking me up. I reach over only to realize Mark and I are doing the same thing. I open my eyes to see the time, 6:45 am. "Didn't we just fall asleep?" I mumble placing my head back down on his chest.

"I have to get up," he says trying to push on my shoulders.

I tighten my grip around him, "Never, cancel everything. Forget class, call in. Let's stay here forever," I mumble half asleep.

"As much as I would love to, we need to get ready," he says kissing my forehead while rolling me over to my back. I sit up on my arms watching him go into the bathroom. I hear the water starting to run for the shower and I decide to get up out of bed. I reach down into the bag I put next to the dresser and pull out my clothes for today.

It doesn't take long before I'm changed. I take Chica downstairs letting her out for the morning, then go to the kitchen and start making us coffee. I open every cabinet before finding the mugs. I bring them upstairs and place his on his side table. I start drinking out of mine as I start to fold the clothes that I left scattered across the bed.

Mark walks out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around his hips and his hair a mess. I smile at him, "You look amazing fresh out of the shower," I say realizing that sounds creepy after I said it. "You know with your hair a mess, I mean," I say trying to backtrack.

"You are adorable when you're half asleep too," he says to himself, "I bet you didn't realize your shirts on backwards." I look down and pull my shirt out enough to see the tag sticking out of the top.

"I'm going for a look," I say blushing, trying to hide my embarrassment, "But now that you said something I will fix it." I stick my arms in my shirt and spin it around. I look up and he's already in his closet getting ready.

"I need to take my suits to the dry cleaner," he mumbles under his breath.

I laugh, "Are you just going to tell me your to do list?" I say as I take my bathroom things into the now foggy bathroom. I put toothpaste on my toothbrush and quickly put the brush in my mouth. "Doh wat ele is ow da lst." I say brushing. I walk back to the bedroom to see him changing into a very nice suit.

He starts laughing, "Just that and I need to clean the house, but I'll get around to that eventually." I turn back to the bathroom and spit out the toothpaste. I leave my hair the horrible mess that it is, I don't care. "By the way," he says as I leave the bathroom grabbing my bag from the floor, "I'm glad you don't have to pack a bag every time you want to come over." He points at the drawer then places a soft kiss on my cheek, I close that eye and half smile. He walks out of the room before I do and I hear Chica running up the stairs. She runs straight up and stands up against me, I pet her before she gets down and goes to her bed. I feel the coffee now kicking in but I'm still not fully awake, I come down the stairs to see Mark fully packing his bag. He's holding his laptop in his hands, "Are you ready to go?" he asks nicely. "I'm going to drop you off at your apartment. I figure you don't want to sit around forever before your first class starts, plus I don't know what time they will show up." He says rolling his eyes.

I smile, "That's fine." I reach up and fix of the wild hairs that's doing its own thing.


The drive to my apartment was quiet, I'm sure he has quite a bit on his mind. He pulls into my building and parks in front of the door, he leans over and kisses my cheek, I look at him placing a soft kiss on his lips. "Wish me luck," he says as I part opening the door. I open the back door getting my things out of the car. Without looking back I go into the building and straight up to the apartment. I walk into my room before I hear Jenna's door squeak open and her talk to someone. I quietly close my door, throwing my bag on the bed, so I can hear Jenna talking to someone else. I put my ear to the door listening. She mumbles then a deeper voice starts talking, did John spend the night? I hear her laughing then say something else before I hear the front door open. I step back then grab my backpack wanting to get out of the house. I open the door to see Jenna standing in the middle of the living room. "Morning," I say to her.

My Professor's Obsession (Markiplier X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt