Chapter 37

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"Hi snowflake," he sounded surprised.

"Hi, oh hi Mark!" I said excited as well.

I could hear him chuckle, "How is everything going?"

I roll over on my back, "Everything is so good! Why... Why are you asking?"

"I was curious, have you been drinking?" He asked in a very lovely tone of voice.

I stare at the ceiling and watch as the speckling starts to make patterns. "I'm not going to lie, I'm drunker than ever before in my entire life."

I hear his adorable chuckle again, "Can I ask why? You sounded great before when you called."

"Oh yeah, well you see John's dad is off probation in a month. So when he gets off Dads lawyer thinks he's going to come looking for me and try and kick my ass. So I decided what's a better way to celebrate such a fun occasion than to shoot down a couple shots of whiskey?" I put the phone on speaker and try and balance it on my nose.

I hear him clear his throat, "Alright, so whose John and what does his dad have to do with any of this?"

"You know...John...Jenna's baby daddy." I roll back over "Speaking of Jenna!" I start messing with my closed laptop. "She told me a long time ago to watch 50 shades of grey. I have a question are you Christian Grey? I have so many questions. Like there's a room upstairs that I haven't seen yet like I'm...I'm determined it's the playroom. Also like if I come back and... And there's a folder with my name on it and in....side is a contract. I'm demanding a helicopter of my own."

Now he's full on laughing, its super contagious and adorable. "I'm not Christian Grey."

"Like 100% because I walked around your house after the first time we..." I paused and looked around the room then whispered "had sex" the continued in my regular tone, "In a white bed sheet. I'm pretty sure we are just copying this movie."

"I promise its nothing alike. Let's change the subject, back to John's dad."

I rolled my eyes, "I don't want to talk about him. He's... He's just going to hurt me like his son did. I want to talk about dinner! I had the best dinner tonight!"

"Can I ask you something?" He said quickly.

I sit up, "Of course you can ask me anything." Before he starts talking I interrupt, "Wait, should I call you Mr. Fischbach? Oh wait that was a dumb question, I already call you that, you know...being my teacher and all."

I hear him chuckle again... Ugh it's so cute! "How much have you had to drink tonight?"

"Umm well I lost count after 5 but my best bet is 8?" I sighed. "I don't know, if you text me I can give you a very sober answer in the morning when I find the receipt."

"8 shots?" He asked shocked.

"Oh and two glasses with the fun big ice ball in it. All I remember was sticking my finger in the glass and making it spin really fast and then my dad yelling at me." I said laughing. "Mark I miss you!" I look at the door, "I also have noticed that the room is spinning and I'm going to throw up. I am going to hang up so you don't have to hear it, Mark I will call you when I don't feel like a garbage can. I love you goodnight." I hang up the phone and throw my phone on the bed as I run down the hallway to the bathroom.


"Good morning pumpkin," dad said just as groggy as I feel. We fell asleep at the old house, I kind of remember talking about moving my bed then dad getting sick.

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