Chapter 35

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I was the first one to wake up today, Mark was still asleep as I rolled out of bed. Normally moving out of bed would worry him and he would have woke up. I quietly made my way around the bed seeing that it was 5:19 am. Mark will want to wake up at 6:30. I find my phone in my purse to see nobody bothered me this weekend. I open the bedroom door quietly and quietly wave to Chica so she can come with me. Mark did enough for me this weekend, it's my turn to surprise him with breakfast. But before I do that I let Chica out for the morning.

I find my way around the kitchen enough to make us a simple breakfast. I grab both plates and quietly make my way upstairs. I place both plates on the side table, I run my hands over his back and kiss his shoulders. "Good Morning," I whisper.

He inhales sharply, "Morning." He lifts his head looking back at me. I hear him sniffle a little bit and watch as his attention goes straight to the plates on the table. "Did you make breakfast, how long have you been awake?"

I smile, "Not very long, I promise. I came to wake you up because I saw it was getting late and I know you said you were going to take a shower this morning." I stand back up but I still continue to rub his back.

"What time is it?" he asks quietly then looks over at the time. "Oh, I didn't need to be up until 7:30 so I have time to do this."

"What?" he flips over to his back then grabs my arms pulling me down on top of him and into the bed. I involuntarily shriek as I find myself under him being held down as he places light kisses on my jaw.

He puts his forehead against my neck, "Did that scare you?"

I chuckle, "Just startled me a little bit." I push my arms out from under him to wrap them around his neck. "Did you just do that so you could snuggle me longer?"

He nibbles on my collar bone, "Maybe."

"I have to get up and ready for my one class today." I say rolling my eyes.

I hear him exhale, "Even though we had four days of doing this, I still don't want you to leave."

I smile and run my fingers though his hair, "I know I don't want to leave either."

"I'll call you after my meeting if you want to come over tonight," he says quietly.

"As much as I would love to, I'm going to pack since I leave in two days." I try and roll out of his arms but nothing works. I push against his shoulders, "Mark..."

He lifts his head to look up at me, "Alright." He moves his arms letting me go. I wiggle my way free and stand up next to the bed. I move to the closet and get myself completely dressed and packed up.

"I'm going to do us both a favor and take my clothes back to the apartment and wash them," I say picking up random shirts from off the floor.

He grabs my arm and pulls me over to him, "I can do that, don't you worry about it." He smiles, he's sitting up against the headboard. I place my hand on his thigh as I lean over and kiss him. "Please be careful."

I smile, "I promise I will." I stand back up and ruffle his already messy bed head. "Oh, I let Chica out earlier and I will let her in before I leave."

I start my way for the door, "You are amazing!"

"I try!"


I get into class and Jenna's already sitting in her seat, I rolled my eyes before I sit down. She smiles, "You weren't home, where were you for our 3 day weekend?"

My Professor's Obsession (Markiplier X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora