Chapter 14

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My alarm blares in my ear, I grunt as I hit the snooze button. I open my eyes to the sunlight blaring in from the window. I turn my head toward the side table. There is a full glass of water and a small jar of pain medication next to it. I look up and see a note from a hotel room notepad, it says: I hope this helps with the headache. I smile and look over to the other bed, he's sleeping soundly.

I get up from bed and take the pills and down them with the water. As quietly as possible I get out of bed and grab my backpack from the foot of his bed. I put it at the end of my bed and grab a clean shirt and throw it on. I grab a pair of jeans and my bathroom things. I quietly make my way to the bathroom and quickly change from my shorts and then brush my teeth. After that I throw my hair up in the worst messy bun ever. I go back out and quietly grab my things and look at my phone. I still have an hour before class.

The notepad was still on the dresser next to all the things he had obviously cleaned up last night. I grab it and a pen from my backpack and I write him a note: I'm sorry for last night. I hope I didn't embarrass myself too much. I will see you in class on Wednesday. I place the note on his side of the table. Grabbing my things and walk down to my car, I digging through my bag for a second finding the keys. I sit in my car for a minute before leaving when I get a phone call from Jenna.

"Hello?" I say quietly.

"Hey," she said surprised. "Have you checked your email?"

"No, I didn't exactly bring my computer with me." I say, "Why, what's up?"

"She had to push the test to Thursday." She said.

"Lovely," I say rubbing my eyebrows.

"(Y/N), I'm really sorry about yesterday. I really want to talk to you in person and hopefully get everything straightened out." Her voice seems quiet.

"Yeah, I can come back to the apartment in about 20 minutes." I say.

"I'll get us coffee then," We hang up and I started driving.


I open our front door welcomed by the overwhelming smell of baked goods and coffee. I put my stuff by the door as walk over to the table where 2 cups of coffee sat. I grab one and take a sip. "Hey" she said as she walked out from her room.

"Hi" I say tapping the side of my mug. "Look, I really want..."

"No, I am really sorry for destroying everything you had. I told you to go for it. I just never thought you would do it now." She said.

I breathily chuckled, "Me either."

"I'm not done yet," she came a bit closer. "I should have never yelled at you like I did. I was just thought you would tell me everything. I also never meant to hide what's going on between John and myself. I will tell you everything about or relationship."

"Jenna, you don't have to" I said.

"I want to," she said quickly, "I want no more secrets between us."

"Look, I don't want secrets between us either." I say back. "However, maybe our personal relationships can stay a secret for now?"

"What does that mean?" She snaps back. "Are you seeing him again?"

"Look, maybe for this semester, just this once, we can just not talking about our relationships." I say.

"So you are seeing him again." She sounds shocked.

"Will you listen...?"

"Is that why you ran out of her last night? So you could go and spend the night with him?" She questioned.

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