Chapter 42

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Everything has been normal today, as I was walking into the English building trying to just get to Marks class. There are people buzzing but it's a silent buzz, something seems off. Going upstairs, the Dean is standing right outside Mark's classroom. I sigh, not him again. There were a group of people walking past his room, I form with their group to try and go to the other door down the teachers offices. I almost make it past but he grabs my arm, "Good try, (Y/N)."

He walks me back down the opposite hallway that I have never been down before. Throwing me into an empty looking conference room, he locked the door, I make my way to the back of the office, "I got an email saying you had a meeting with Miss. Patrick yesterday. About the scholarship," he says sitting in the edge of the table. "You should take it."

I move to the back of the room, the further away from him I can get, the better, "I don't need it."

He rolls his eyes, "You really need to take this money."

"I don't need paid off," I say crossing my arms across my body. "Like I told you before I'm not going to be here next semester. I'm sure your "scholarship" is only valid for the school that is trying to pay me off."

Getting up he starts to make his way closer to me but his phone starts ringing. He takes a second to look down at the screen then answers, it after a couple of responses he goes back over to the door and unlocks it. The woman I had the meeting with yesterday walks into the room. She stands at the front of the table, "Have you convinced her?"

He shakes his head, "No she's saying the same thing over and over again."

She walks to one corner of the table, "Maybe we should try plan B?"

He nods his head, "Plan B sounds great." He walks around the opposite side of the table. "Will you do the honors?"

"Here's our new plan," she stands in front of me. I take a step back only to realize that I was pushed back against the wall. "You take this scholarship or Mark's fired. You have till the end of the day to come by my office and sign a paper saying you are going to take the scholarship."

They start walking to the door, "You can't keep threating me like this." I say trying to defend myself.

He turns around, "We are not threating you." He takes a step closer, "But, I will be stopping by Mark's office at the end of the day to make sure that you sign the papers." His breaths against my face.

"I know you are going to tell him what was said here," she says getting close too. "I'm sure he would love to hear that his job is on the line from a stupid bitch like you." She lightly spits on my face and walks away from me actually making it out the door this time.

The Dean drags his thumb across of my chin, "I will see you later." I pull my face away. He gets out of my face and walks out the door as well, I side my way down the wall. The overpowering sense to throw up is taking over my thoughts right now. I stay sitting on the floor thinking about what I was going to say to Mark. What I was going to do when I walked into his room.

I take a couple minutes before I decide to walk out of the room they brought me too. Before I left I decided to look around to see if there happened to be a security camera anywhere around me. There was nothing, why does this school not have a freaking camera anywhere? Getting up and walking into Marks office waiting for class to end made me want to throw up even more. How was I going to explain this to him? When would I have the chance? Do I tell him in between classes? Do I wait till the end of the day when I have no chance to tell him before they twist my arm to sign the paper?

I look at the time on the clock hanging behind his desk, I decide now would be the best time to tell him. I walk down the hallway to his classroom to find him erasing notes from the board. He turns and looks at me, he stares at me very confused. "What's going on, you are as pale as a ghost, what's the matter? Are you sick?"

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