Chapter 21

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"Are you alright?" he quietly asks.

"We said we were going to wait until after the semester." I said as I laid back down rubbed the palms of my hands against my eyes. "Now we are in so much trouble."

"We're only in trouble if someone turns us in or we are caught." He leans down next to the bed then starts running his fingers through my hair. "I know it's scary, I'm terrified. But I wouldn't have gone this far unless I thought you were worth it."

I look over at him, I put my hand on his cheek, mostly cupping his chin, running my fingers over his beard. I half smile, slowly closing my eyes, "I really like you."

He smiles then leans into my hand, "I was starting to worry," he said jokingly. "I really like you too," he pulls my hand away from his face then kisses the back of it. He stands up, at some time before he kneeled next to the bed he had put his boxers back on. "The bathroom is across the hall, as you know, with all the things needed for a shower, I will give you something to wear to bed."

"I need to go home," I say as I shoot up from bed holding the blanket.

He looks at me puzzled, "Like right now?"

"I have a speech I have to give tomorrow and I have to look decent," I say looking around the room for my clothes without leaving the bed.

He runs his fingers through his hair, "I have to be at a meeting at 9, what time does do you have to be there?"

"9:30," I say.

"I'll drop you off at 8 at your apartment," he says. "Just please spend the night with me." I smile then shake my head. I've never had someone politely ask me to spend the night before. He turns then leaves the room. I look around the room again, the light of the candles gave everything in the room a nice tan tinge. I could kind of see some petals that were visible through the blanket. I smiled knowing there were more flowers in the car that he surprised me with this morning. I reached up grabbing the charm on the necklace, sliding it back and forth on the chain.

I stand up then wrap the blanket around me, then start picking up my clothes, luckily there's not very much, and placing them at the edge of the bed. I look down at the underwear as I laugh, mine are still on the kitchen table. I walk to the end of the bed looking at the now empty mess of blankets. I look at the rose petals then grab a hand full. I turn slightly to where the bigger part of the blanket is trailing behind me. I sprinkle the petals across the back. I smile then fix my hair, trying to make it less crazy than I imagine it already is. I grab my bra then go across the hall turning on the light, trying to avoid looking at myself in the mirror. I put the bra down on the counter then exit quickly. I make my way to the dining room. Mark is standing in front of the microwave.

He looks over, then walks over to me. "Wow, this is everything I dreamed of." He wrapped his arms around my hips.

I laughed to myself, "Really, you dreamed of a girl walking into your dining room to grab her underwear off your kitchen table?"

He laughed, "No, a beautiful woman, walking around my home, I didn't imagine naked but that's a plus." He leaned in and kissed me, "I want this all the time."

I smiled, "And right now I want a shower," I say.

He leans in and kisses me again, "Are you hungry?"

"I'm not," I say as I walk back to the hallway with my underwear balled up in my hand.

"The petals across the house are a nice touch," he says loudly before I close the door.

I drop the blanket at the door then start the water. I put my underwear with my bra on the counter, looking up and the first thing that catches my eye is my necklace. It shines in the light, the diamond is subtle hanging around my neck, in the box it looked huge. The mirror starts fogging, telling me I need to quickly hop in the hot water, the shower is stocked with all kinds of nice smelling body washes. There are 2 different types of shampoos and conditioners as well.

I wasn't in the shower very long, feeling fresh finally, then grab the towel hanging on the rack. I completely dry off or as best as I could then put back on my bra and underwear. I wrap the towel around my hair. I wrap the blanket around myself as I exit the bathroom. The door to the room we were just in was closed, I open it to see that all the candles had been blown out but nothing else had been touched. I closed the door back, I walk into the living room and notice that a light was on upstairs. I slowly start climbing the stairs.

He walks out of the closet holding a regular t-shirt, he holds out the shirt. "Here you are, I know it's not much." Chica comes running out from behind him, she stands propping herself on me.

I run the hand that wasn't holding my blanket up over the top of her head. "Hi sweet heart," she gives me a big lick aiming for my nose and getting everything in between.

He points at the bed, already downturned enough to slide in. I smile and take the shirt from his hand. Chica moves away from me and back to Mark, I drop the blanket then throw the shirt over my head. "Foods almost ready, I'll bring you some." He says, he grabs my hand and pulls me to the other side of the bed, I crawl into bed as he pulls down the covers some more. I get snuggled into the spot that's comfortable, my hand falls off the side of the bed, and Chica rubs her nose on my hand. Mark places several kisses on my head as I close my eyes.


Hi Friends!

I'm sorry this isn't a very long chapter but I needed to update!

Thank you guys for reading! Much love <3 <3 <3

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