Chapter 39

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Dad and I spent the night doing something we hadn't done since I was in high school, which was watch the late night show together. It's not the same as staying up until like one in the morning since they've all switched hosts. He sighed as the last show ended, "I have to be up in 5 hours for a meeting."

"You should probably go to bed then," I say sitting up. "I'm sorry for keeping you up."

He stood up, "I would do it again, maybe when you're on Christmas break." He says goodnight and walks back to his room. I look down at my phone, I had been spending some needed time with my dad that I forgot to call Mark, and it was too late to call him now. I'll just text him in the morning, I take the plates and things from dinner and take them into the kitchen putting them in the sink before I walk back to my room and climb in bed.


I walk back into the house placing everything I was given at the tour on the counter. I walk back to my bedroom grabbing only a few things packing them back into my backpack. I look down at the time on my phone, my flight doesn't leave for another 3 hours and the airport here is tiny so I should get there kind of early. "Pumpkin?" Dad calls from the hallway. I zip my bag and walk out making sure everything was turned off and picked up so I don't have to worry about it until I come back. I walk back out to the living room. He's standing at the door, "I'm going to drive the truck back, if you want to meet me there and we can stop and get something to eat before you leave."

I smile, "Sounds great!" I say putting my headphones in the front pocket of my backpack.

He opens the door, "Don't forget your packet of papers," he says pointing at the counter and walking out the door. I run over and put them in my backpack, then walk out the door as well. I meet him at the lot he hops in the passenger seat. He tells me he wants to go to the same restaurant that we went to when I got here. I smile, it's his favorite place to go.

"Are you going to say anything about the booklet of papers?" I ask him as we start driving again.

I can feel him staring at me, "Why should I? It's your decision to change schools." He looks out the window, "But if it was me I would transfer back down here and be with your old man." I laugh as we pull into the parking lot, the place was packed. No offence to the lady in there but luckily she won't sit and talk to us very long. We walk into the building and were sat in at the last empty table. "I was just kidding about that," he says leaning over the table. "You do what you think is best," he says. The lady brings dad a cup of coffee and water for me. I tell her my order and she already knows dads.

"I've been thinking about transferring back home, but I'm going to think about it when I go back." I say shrugging my shoulders. "I have everything I need to transfer to the school here, actually if I do transfer I would only have to take 3 classes." I say taking a drink of my water.

Dad looks up at me and shrugs, "It sounds like you have it figured out." The waitress brings out our food. "What about that guy?" he looks at me taking a bite of his food.

I shrug again, taking a bite as well, "I'm hoping to talk to him about it." We ate in quiet after that, which was kind of nice.


Even the drive to the airport was quiet. He pulled up and was out of the car in no time. I sat there for a minute before getting out. Dad was sitting as the trunk of the car, even though I don't need anything from there. I come up beside him, " Thanks dad for an amazing weekend."

He looks over at me, "I don't know how you enjoyed it, you worked all weekend."

I hugged him tightly, "Because I missed being home. I can't wait for Christmas break." He hugged me tightly.

"When you come back you can actually relax." He says squeezing the air out of me. I pulled out of his arms then said my goodbyes. I walked through the airport alone.


Again, for the second time, my flight was really short. Actually it seemed faster than the last. Walking through the airport, I sit down on a bench and turn my phone back on. I forgot to charge my phone last night before I went to bed, but luckily I had the book to finish. I order a ride and when it finally gets here. The drive to the apartment was just as quick, I don't even run up just throw my things in the back seat of my car and just start driving to Marks. I pull my key out of my backpack as I walked up the driveway only to see that his door was slightly cracked open. I lightly push on the door and hesitate walking in. Candles lined from the door to the living room, or at least what I can tell, but the candles were completely lit. I put my backpack down at the door and start walking through the house.

I see a couple of vases full of flowers sitting on the coffee table in front of me. "Snowflake," he says coming down the stairs.

"Mark, your door was open," he comes up and I put my hands on his chest. "That scared the hell out of me..."

He wraps his arms around me, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to surprise you when you got home." He says with a smile as he leans down and kisses me. He hums as he pulls his lips away from me. "Speaking of which welcome back," he says leaning down kissing me again.

I smile as he pulls away again, "I really missed you."

"I missed you too!" he says moving his hand from my hip to my cheek. "Do you want to know about the exciting news?"

I put my head against his chest, "Sure!"

"Every semester the department pick someone in classes that deserves recognition and we've choose you." I shoot my head back up staring at him confused.

I start shaking my head in shock, "What?" I push off of his chest, "What does that mean?"

He reaches over and grabs my hand, "Well, we reward the student with a scholarship for the next semester." I look down at our hands. "Is everything alright?"

I look back up and smile, "Yeah, that's great!" I say trying to sound excited.

"You don't sound excited," he says confused. "What's wrong?"

I walk back to the door grabbing my backpack. I place it on the couch and pull out the packet of papers I got today, "I was serious when I said I was thinking about transferring back home." I turn back and he takes the papers and starts going through them. "But I was going to talk to you about it before I made up my mind."

He looks over, "Oh, well I was going to save this until I knew about it 100% but I have my name in for a new job."

I grab his arm, "That's awesome. What's it for?"

"English Department Head," he says looking back at the papers, "But if you're moving, I might not take it."

I grab his chin and pull his attention back to me, "I'm thinking about it." I let go of his chin, "But I'll think about the scholarship as well."

He turns a bit, "There are papers about it in my office." I nod and walk back to his office and flip on the light. I sit down but on my way down I bump my hip on something. I look down to see the drawer I hit.


Do you:

Close the drawer? (It's his desk and I shouldn't touch his things.)


Do you open the drawer? (It was the one locked from before, why is it open now?)


Alright Friends,

if you choose to close the drawer you will just keep going with this story!

If you choose to look in the drawer you will start the story: "Patients, Please".

Much Love <3 <3 <3

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