Cheated On Me.For My Best Friend

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Logan POV

Beth said she was sick today so I guess no day with her. But I do like Tori still. Ugh she didn't help at all except made me love her! Oh well. I walk to the boys locker room. And look who I see making out Beth and Brandon (pretend lol) "BETH WE ARE OVER" I yell running out "NO LOGIE. Ugh whatever I have Brandon" I heard her say. I ran and ran I could feel little tears but not a lot they weren't noticeable thank god! "TORI CAN WE TALK!" I yell running up to her "sure?" I pulled her to the janitors closet and I just kiss her. I don't know why. I just did. Zhe kisses back but then she pulls away "what about Beth" "She. She cheated on me and I ended things" "Oh Logie. It's okay but you shouldn't kiss me. Just because of heartbreak. You dont like me" "Wait actually" the bell rings and cuts me off "I really have to go" so she leaves. I think "what about Jessica. I can get back at Beth" I say to myself. Hmm let's do it.

Time skip after school

"Hey Jess" "Yeah" "wanna go out." "But Beth." "So you're way prettier and nicer and so funny" I cringed at what I said. I hated Jess. But maybe I'll like her. Maybe I'll get over Tori too. She goes in for a kiss and I accept.

Tori POV

I start to walk out of school and I see Logan and Jessica. I break down. And run. I run and cry. JUST WHEN I THOUGHT. I go home and thays when it all went down. Logan got a girlfriend. Grandparents dead. Me living with my mom. Abuse. Cutting. Starvation. And attempting scuiside. All that.

Time skip to when Logan and Jess break up because of cheating

"WOW JESS FIRST BETH AND NOW YOU FOR MY BEST FRIENDS." "SO WHO CARES I HAVE HARRY SO BYE" and she left. I'm broken. I wish Tori would appear. I love her. And only her. Ugh I should've asked her out and then we would be here. Together but she doesn't like me so. Whatever.

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