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Misaki's POV-

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Misaki's POV-

 Well, today was a pretty long day. Doing homework for all of the classes I missed while I was sick, typing my English essay, studying for five different tests that I have in two days, and with only 5 hours of sleep. That's okay I guess, since I did sign up for this workload when I skipped a few grades.

 Truth is, I'm in an academy for high schoolers. And I'm 12. Yep. I'm hella smart. Of course I'm in the freshman class while Lalynn, Reinelle, and tKayla are sophomores. I still have some of their classes with them, though. 

  Hmm. Guess I gotta tell y'all good ol' readers what I look like. So, I've got dark brown hair, and it's pretty short too. It's ends at the middle of my length, and I've got bangs that go straight across my forehead. I'd say I havet  a decent looking face. You guys already know what the uniforms look like, so I'm not gonna bother to tell you again. 


 I'm walking through the quiet hallways. It's 7:00 PM right now, when all the girls start heading to their rooms to freshen up and get started  on al, the work from the day. By 7:20, the halls are completely empty. This school has a lot of secret passages, so I like to sneak around to see which ones I can open up. My favorite one is the shortcut to our dorms. Only my roommates and I know about this. All the other kids have to climb that gigantic spiral staircase that really drains your energy. 

 I decide to take the shortcut, since I'm heading back to my room anyways. When I reach the door, I see that it has a lock on it. A big one too. I tug at it for a hit and then give up, knowing that it's hopeless. Suddenly, I hear the footsteps of headmistress Johnson. I expect to get detention when she comes, so I take a deep breath and turn around, bracing myself for the worst. 

 "Ah, Misaki. Nice seeing you hear." Clearly sarcasm. "What are you doing here at this time? You should be doing your homework," she says, in a serious tone. I think of all the things I could say to her p, but I decide to go with this. "A-A-Actually, Headmistress Johnson, I, uh, already finished. My homework, that is. Ahaha!" That's a fake laugh, just in case you couldn't tell.  

 "Hm. Impressive, young lady." She had a slihpght smile on her face. At that moment, I mustered up the courage and opened up my mouth to ask her why the door that automatically led you to the door was locked.

 "Um, Headmistress Johnson, this door locked?" The smile on her face disappeared in the blink of an eye. She looked at the door for a quick moment, as if she was deciding whether she should give me an answer or not. She looked back at me and said, "We have...renovation...going on behind that door. I am aware that some students know of this shortcut, and I wouldn't want them to enter this passage and get injured by some of the construction. Does that make sense?" 

 I thought about it for a moment and nodded my head in understanding. "Of course, Headmistress Johnson." 

 "Good. Now run along, Misaki. Tomorrow is a new day, which means new assignments." With that, she turned around and started down the hall. I watched her go when she called over shoulder, "Good night, dear!" She was gone in an instant. 

 I turned around started down the hall. I reached the spiral staircase and climbed it after what seemed like forever. Once I got to my dorm, I opened the door and was greeted by my enthusiastic roommates. 


 I had told my roommates the story about the locked shortcut, and they were pretty bummed out. We were all in bed now, and Lalynn, Reinelle, and Kayla were knocked out. I, on the other hand, was staring at the ceiling. I thought about what headmistress Johnson had said. 

 "We have...renovation...going on behind that door."

 That was whe it hit me. She lied. There couldn't have been renovation. That shortcut was renovated a few months earlier, and that passage was in amazing shape! On top of that, we would have heard the hammers against the wall. 

 It was a lie. Something else was going on behind that door. Something that was worth lying about, something that needed to be hidden. And j was ready to find out exactly what it was.

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