The Pages that Changed Everything

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Misaki's POV

I walked down the staircase and into sublevel one, getting ready for my covert operations class. When I reached the elevator, I let my student ID get scanned by the small red light next to the doors. The light turned green and I pushed the sublevel one button, and down I went. 

When I got to subjected one, I hurried down the hall and into the classroom. I was expecting to see the teacher already there. I didn't know who it'd be though, for this was my first day there. When I walked into the classroom, I saw Hazel, Trident, Mika, and Emily Turner. 

Hazel was sitting in the corner waiting for me, while Emily was being her usual flirty self. Her target today was Mika. Trident was sitting in the corner on his phone, checking the time. 

"Hazel, when'd you get here?"

"Before you."

 I rolled my eyes. "Oh, okay. I didn't know that," I said.

She smiled. "Look at you, being on time for once."

I smiled back. "For once? That part."

We sat together and sat together and chatted while more students came in the classroom. Occasionally, I saw Trident sneak a glance or two at Hazel. I wanted her to turn around and smile back at him, but her face would probably be so flushed. I checked the time. 

10:10. The teacher was 10 minutes late. 

::: Time Skip :::

When the teacher finally walked through the doors, I was shocked. Our professor wasn't even from our actual staff. He was from the boy's school.

Mr. Stevenson.

I sighed. This would be a long class period.

Reinelle had a period off, so she took the time to search for some possible leads on the Code Black alarm. A Code Black is the scariest thing that can happen if you're a Sanguinem gal. Everything stops completely.

Reinelle walked down to  sub level 2. Much to her surprise, it was sealed off. That never happened. Reinelle grew suspicious, and she found a way to get around the seals. She needs a friend, though. So she messaged the one person who was free and trustworthy.

In a few minutes, Megan McGartland came running over to Reinelle. "Hey Meagan. Thanks for coming," said Reinelle. Megan waved her hand.

"No problem! So, what're we doi--? Wait, why is sub level 2 sealed off? That never happens." Reinelle nodded in agreement.

"I know, that's why I need your help to do some deep searching. Theres no way that Code Black was a false alarm."

"Yeah. I agree. So. You and I are some of the only people who know all the passages in this school. Which one do you think we should take?" Reinelle stood there in thought.

"We should take one that goes through this sub level. We should . . . Aha!" Megan's eyes followed Reinelle as she walked over to the vending machine next to the water fountain. Reinelle pushed one of the keys, and the machine moved to the side, leaving the opening behind it exposed. 

Reinelle took a step, then motioned for Megan to follow. As soon as they were inside, Megan presses the button by the door side. The vending machine started to move back to its place, but just before all the light was gone, Megan's fingers found the light switch. She pressed it and as soon as the machine shut them inside, the lights came on.

Reinelle walked ahead with Megan following behind. The passage was like any other hallway. It had lights and neat flooring, along with stairs. This passages led from sub level two to sub level three.

"So. Megan. How's the book? The one with that indecisive guy," said Reinelle. Whenever the two were together, the real jokes came out. They were a hilarious duo, and they trusted each other too.

"Oh, that one. Yeah, I finished it. I fucking hated it! It was boring as hell, and the dude fuckin died. I mean, I saw it coming, but still. Why wait till the end of the goddamn book to say he died. I-- no. That was breaking my brain."

They laughed and continued to chat.

 Reinelle reached the sign that said sublevel three, and the two opened the door. There was an object blocking the doorway. Another vending machine. Megan came behind Reinelle and pulled the lever and switched off the lights. There was no evidence left behind. The vending machine moved and the two girls squeezed through the opening. Once they were out, Megan pushed the two different keys, and the machine moved back to its place.

"We're not supposed to be here, it's teachers only. But you know that, don't you?" Megan asked, giving Reinelle a skeptical look. Reinelle have her a smile that said she knew very well.

"Okay. I think there's a room in here that keeps all of the school's handbooks and historical documents, things like that," Reinelle remarked, her eyes scanning the room.

"Right, cus Annabelle Johnson founded this school for women interested in espionage in 1865. It's crazy that she wasn't allowed to fight, then turned her anger into a whole fucking school."

Megan looked down the Hal, and pointed to a room in the very back of the sub level. It had no label as to what the room was, but it did say TEACHERS ONLY in bold letters. Megan walked up to it with Reinelle following behind and saw the lock on the door. She took a bobby pin and fiddled with lock.

Reinelle took the time to make a sad joke. "Bobby Pins? More like Robert Clasps!" Megan slowly turned her head and gave Reinelle a 'Were You A Genetic Experiment?' look.

"Don't talk to me," she said with a smile. The lock finally opened up, and the two walked into the room, only to stop short of what they saw.

"Holy shit!" Reinelle took in all of the protective lasers that formed a grid around the room. Luckily, they had P&E training, along with their Covert Operations class. 

Reinelle went first, dodging each laser, careful of the next. Once she reached the other side of the room, she found the switch that turned the lasers off. They disappeared and Megan easily strolled to the other side of the room.

"Well, that was easy." Reinelle rolled her eyes. 

They searched through all of the shelves and bookcases for something that would tell them about false alarms. Something in their past history about a senario like this.

Then Reinelle stopped short when she found a dusty old book hidden beneath all of the artifacts. She pulled it out and blew the dust away, revealing a leather cover with some kind of symbol engraved on it. It was a circle with the outline of knives, and inside the circle was an eye. Reinelle didn't know if she was cold or not, but as she stared at the sign, she found herself shivering. 

When she opened the book, she saw a name that she had no idea would change her life so drastically. 


Megan looked at the book and thought nothing of it, even when they were back in the foreign language hall getting ready for her next class. Reinelle took the book and hid it in her chest under the bed. She and Megan were planning to dig through it tomorrow. Saturday.

That book had more terror behind it than anyone could ever imagine . . .

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