Hidden Messages

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The only thoughts in Reinelle head wer of the lyrics in her father's journal as she kicked Lalynn in the gut. The girls were currently in the center of a career fair. Every year, different agencies such Interpol, CIA, and the FBI, would come over and set up different booths to try and persuade some of the girls in to joining them.

One of the parts of the fair was when the girls had to perform their P&E tricks and techniques in front of the agency booths so they could see who had the skill they're looking for. 

The only bad thing was that they had to perform in their uniforms. Which meant skirts.

"So they're song lyrics?" Lalynn asked, coming out of nowhere. She landed a perfect roundhouse kick on Reinelle. She collapsed onto the floor. 

"I think," Reinelle said, quickly performing a heel sweep, making Lalynn fall backwards. 

"Wanna do some more research after this?" Lalynn asked from the floor. Reinelle nodded. 

"Yeah, I'm down." Lalynn got up, and the two of them looked to their sides.

To the right of them, Misaki and Zillana were battling each other. Hazel was landing hook sweeps and head attacks while Misaki was attacking her with spinning kicks and elbow strikes. To the left was Megan and her friends. Megan was battling Zillana, but was failing miserably. At one point, Megan's long blond hair got stuck in Zillana's shoe laces. 

"How did you manage to do that?!" Zitlaly exclaimed. Megan had a distressed look in her face.

"I don't know!" Megan snapped, trying and failing to weave her hair out of the laces.

Reinelle struck Lalynn with a sucker punch, sending Lalynn into the floor. She quickly struck back with a heel sweep, and soon enough, Reinelle was on the floor. She dodged each punch Lalynn tried to attack her with. She grabbed Lalynn's elbow and twisted it back, giving her the opportunity she needed to get up. Then the two continued attacking each other as if it was all normal.

"Reinelle, there's a guy from Interpol looking at you." Lalynn smiled brightly. Reinelle used her peripherals and saw that there indeed was a man whispering to his colleagues and staring straight at her.

As soon as their P&E skills were shown off, the girls started to walk around with their friends to eye the booths. Lalynn slung her arm around Reinelle's shoulders and smiled, waiting for the others. The man from Interpol started to approach Reinelle.

"Hi. I'm Carter Dougal, criminal analyst for Interpol," the man chimed. Carter had a strong build, and yet his face looked kind with a glint of gentleness in his gleaming red eyes. His black hair was patted to the side and his black suit made him look slightly intimidating. 

Reinelle smiled and shook his outstretched hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Dougal. I'm Reinelle Simmone." 

Carter smiled. "I know," he said, laughing when Reinelle gave him a confused look.

"I was your father's partner for a few years, and I knew your mother. Your parents were good people, Reinelle. I'm terribly sorry for your loss."

Reinelle felt herself gulp. The strand of hope she held onto became more and more frail.

"I wanted to give you this," Carter said, handing Reinelle a brochure and a card with Carter's phone number. "I saw your tricks out there, and you look pretty good. Plus, we need another criminal analyst in the agency. You seem like just the girl from the job." He smiled and patted Reinelle on the shoulder. 

"Think about it, okay?" Carter gave her a reassuring smile. "We'll always have a spot for you here at Interpol."

Reinelle smiled kindly at him. "Thank you so much, Mr. Dougal. I'll definitely look into this," she said happily, holding up the card and brochure.

When Reinelle joined her friends, they whooped and cheered. 

Daniel frustratingly rummaged through headmistress Johnson's desk, trying to find the test answers from the beginning of the year. He heard the girls' voices filling the hallways, and he knew the fair was over. That meant headmistress Johnson would be back soon.

Daniel started to sweat as he quickly scanned the place, making sure he put everything where he left it. He smiled triumphantly at the stack of papers in his hand. 

When the doorknob twisted, Daniel was already out the room through a secret passageway leading from the fireplace to the teachers' quarters. 

As Daniel swiftly moved through the dark tunnel, he smiled to himself when he heard a woman behind him speak.

"Daniel . . ." she said. Her voice was smooth, but she had evil bedded underneath. Daniel turned around and saw the shadow of the woman behind him, and a glimpse of her face. She, too, had a triumphant smile plastered to her face.

"I have them." Daniel handed the woman the papers, watched her scan them. Her face lit up after reading one particular paper. 

"Perfect!" the woman exclaimed. Her hands were thrown up in the air. "This is perfect! Good work, Daniel."

She started to turn and walk the other way when Daniel called, "Wait!"

The woman turned around. "Yes?"

"What's the next step?"

The woman seemed to ponder for a moment. "Inform Dougal that we have them. I'll meet you two days from now on our next step of the mission. But for now, you've done enough." She grinned evilly as she disappeared into the dark abyss.

"Of course, Madison."

Seraph of the End...Spy School - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now