Dougal in the Dark

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Her footsteps were quiet as Reinelle tip-toed through the peaceful safe house. Her friends were sound asleep, so was her "aunt." 

Reinelle's long fingers slowly turned the doorknob, and in an instant she was enjoying the Irish night. She grabbed her phone from her pocket, plugged her earbuds in, and played one of her favorite songs. Charger, by Gorillaz. 

She was enjoying the night so much, she started laughing and running. Reinelle loved the feeling of the cold breeze blowing her dark bangs from her face, her ponytail blowing behind her. She felt safe. It was probably because of the pocket knives she had on her. That's right, knives. She never left without them. Reinelle sped through the streets as the song continued, the street lights showing her the path. 

. . . Until she tripped on her own foot.

"Ouch," she muttered. She rubbed her arm, trying to soothe the pain, when she noticed something behind the bushes bordering the street. "Huh?" Reinelle got on her feet and neared the bushes, examining behind the leaves. 

Behind the bushes was something black peeking out in the distance. When Reinelle pushed the leaves aside, she saw the entrance to a large tunnel. She had encountered another road. 

She moved closer to the tunnel. Her music had stopped, so she packed her earbuds away and turned her phone's flashlight on. She peered into the entrance of the tunnel, taking a step inside. 

Reinelle was far inside the dark tunnel when she heard footsteps behind her. She whipped around and eyed the dark figure before her. A man, she could tell, and a well built one at that. 

"Who are you?" Reinelle questioned.

"You don't recognize me? I'm hurt," said the man, stepping into the light. Carter Dougal. 

Reinelle took a step back. Her gut told her something was off. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" Carter shot back. 

"That's fair. Just out for a night stroll. You?" Reinelle asked.

"Same as you. I saw a faint light in here, thought I might check on it," Dougal said calmly. Reinelle nodded and turned around. She knew Dougal was lying. His fingers twitched, his eyes elsewhere. Her fingers felt the knife in her sleeve as she took more steps. 

"How long have you been here?"

"Oh, not long," Reinelle replied. The knife was in her hand now, hiding behind her phone. Her gut told her she'd need it.

"Madame Kennedy! Wake up!" 

"What is it?" Patricia groggily asked. She sat up and took in Lalynn's panicked face. "Lalynn, spit it out!" 

"Reinelle, she's not here," she said.


"I woke up and saw Reinelle was gone. We have to find her!"

Madame Kennedy had already grabbed her coat and a gun. "Come on, Lalynn. Let the others sleep. By the time the girls wake up, Reinelle'll be back in bed." That's what Patricia kept telling herself.

"Dougal," Patricia warned. "Put the gun down." 

Reinelle stood still with her hands up, staring at Patricia and Lalynn with a disappointed look in her eyes instead of a fearful one. It was because her knives wouldn't be of use. Dougal was standing stoically with his arm outstretched, a gun in his hand. It was pointed straight at Reinelle's head. 

"Give me the lyrics first," Dougal demanded. 

Kennedy cocked her gun. "I said put the gun down. Or else."

Dougal smirked. "Or else what?"

"Or I'll shoot."

Dougal smiled. "Give me the lyrics first, and then I'll put the gun down. In fact, I'll never point a gun at Reinelle ever again."

Reinelle remained silent. But she knew it was up to her to do something. Or else Dougal would blow her head right off.

Seraph of the End...Spy School - DISCONTINUEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin