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Lalynn sat at one of the long tables with Kayla, Hazel, Misaki, Giselle, and Zillana in the Academy's dining hall. 

"Iha bahuta lama samam riha hai, it's been too long," said Lalynn. There was a board propped on a small stand at the front of the room, saying that every student had to speak Punjabi today. It was an assignment for their COW class.

"Uha kithe si? Where could she be?" Kayla whispered. "Jai usa mu sata lagadi hai tam ki hovega? What if she's hurt? What then?"

Lalynn waited for the sign that said Punjabi to be switched to English. Madame Kennedy walked into the hall looking extremely nervous, but she switched the signs. Student started to speak in English again. 

"Kayla . . ." Misaki trailed off.

"No!" Kayla was exploding with rage. "I won't have it! What if she's seriously hurt? Or dead? Are we just going to stay here and do nothing?"

"Kayla--" Lalynn stared at Kayla with wide eyes. But Kayla didn't realize that her eyes were locked on the figure behind her. 

"No! No, no, no!" 

From the other side of the room, headmistress Johnson shouted, "Kayla, hush!"

Kayla gave her a dirty look when she turned around. "Reinelle. Might. Be. Dead. Do you care, Lalynn? Do you, Hazel? Misa. . .ki? Why are you looking at me like that?" Even Zillana, Megan, and Giselle had funny looks on their faces.

Lalynn shook her head. "Oh, Kayla. We're not looking at you. We're looking behind you."

Kayla whipped around and nearly collapsed at what she saw.

"Reinelle?!" The girls at the table stood up and tackled Reinelle, sending her straight to the ground.

"Ow, you guys. I knew this would happen, but I still wasn't ready." The girls chuckled at their friend's joke. They hadn't realized how much they'd missed her until then.

Later, the girls gathered in Hazel and Misaki's room to chat and catch up. The girls spent so much time telling Reinelle everything that they'd done, studied, experienced. They went on for hours.

"Oh, enough about us!" Zillana said with a huge smile. "Tell us about you're adventures."

"About that . . ." Reinelle kept her eyes on the ground and the girls suddenly realized that she looked like she was carrying a heavy weight on her shoulders.

"What is it?" Lalynn asked, her hand rubbing Reinelle's back.

"I don't remember anything."

Seraph of the End...Spy School - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now