The Adventure Begins...With New Friends??

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Lalynn's POV-

We waited for the day to be over. When it finally was, my friends and I headed to our room, where we got dressed and packed some flashlights. Misaki, of course, brought a few extra items such as a first aid kit, and even some gummy bears. The gummy bears were a good idea.

Once we were all set, we carefully waited until the quietest hour. 9:00 PM. We creeped out of our room and down the spiral staircase, where we hid st behind the wall that displayed the family tree of our school's founder: Annabelle Johnson.  

"Alright, we need an action plan," whispered Misaki. "Because if we get caught, we're screwed." 

"Yeah I think we all know that, hon." Kayla looked around to see the locked room, which was just past Headmistress Johnson's office. And...her light was on. That wasn't okay.

"We obviously cannot stay here all night. The chances of us getting caught here are higher than of us sneaking past Headmistress Johnson," said Reinelle. She looked around for a few minutes, when she suddenly gasped. "There is one way we could reach the wing. If we walk down this passage, right behind this wall, we reach the library. There isn't any supervision there, so that would work."

"That would be a good place for us to go. Reinelle, you know the library like the back of your hand. But, once we get to the library, we're farther away from the wing," I said. She looked back at me with a mischievous smirk, then lifted her index finger.

"Not necessarily." 

Reinelle quickly but quietly ran off to the library. We followed her until we reached the entrance of the library. We stepped inside and let the scent of old leather book covers and fresh paper wash over us. Kayla followed Misaki, where she grabbed a book about picking locks. I saw Reinelle feeling a brick wall in the back of the library. We navigated our way through thousands of books until we reached her. I honestly thought she was crazy.

"Reinelle?" I asked. "What's with the wall? How's this gonna help us?" Asked Kayla. She finally kept her hand still on a singular brick, and turned to face the three of us. "Look at this brick. What do you notice about it?" 

I came closer to the brick and studied it. That's when I saw it. The other bricks were quite new and had no cracks what so ever. The brick that I was studying was a slightly darker shade of red than the other bricks, and it had a few slight cracks in it. "It's older." I said, and I watched Reinelle nod in approval. 

She then lightly pushed the brick, and the whole wall started to move. While it was spinning and gave us a clear entryway, we walked into the tunnel behind it. I heard the wall shut behind me. 

Reinelle and Misaki led us through the passage with their flashlights on. We passed cobwebs and rubble. The ground eventually started to rise, in the fashion of stairs. Once we reached the end of the passage, Reinelle pulled a lever that was left on the right side of the wall. The wall slid to the left and let us out to the inside of the West Wing, the shortcut to our dorms, and the roads age going under "renovation."

We wandered inside, not knowing anything that was going on, until I heard Kayla shout,"You guys! Over here!" I was the first to reach her, and soon became the most schocked.

In front of us were beds. Rows of them. The strange part were that ther were several rooms that contained anywhere from two to four beds, a desk, a bathroom, and a closet. Reinelle walked straight into one of the rooms. She eyed the beds and said, "Notice the wrinkles in the sheets. Clearly. Whoever stays in this room was asleep not long ago. And look at the closet!" She exclaimed, while yanking the closer door open. Inside were rows of clothes split into three sections. Each one had a name tag on the top shelf. I looked at the clothes more closely, and noticed that they were boys' clothing. A pile of boxers lay on the top shelf, a pile in each section.

We moved away from the closet to the desk. A picture of three boys was in the frame, one with lilac hair, one with blond hair, and one with black hair and a design. We were studying the picture so closely that we didn't even hear the footsteps behind us. 

"Who are you?" 

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