No One

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Rene's eyes widened as he looked into Agent Lennox's eyes. He was angry and sad. And shocked. Rene had considered himself to be one without parents his entire life. His mother did take care of him, but he never thought of her as someone he would miss is she died. He never had a good relationship with her. She was never home. He grew up taking care of himself. 

He was taught to kill. 

Rene could barely stand his mother. He never even thought of what could have happened to his father. 

And now, here he was, standing right in front of him. 

Rene already hated him.

Reinelle stood in shock as she looked at Lennox and Rene, both standing perfectly still. Reinelle suddenly realized why Jason had looked so familiar. He looked Rene . . . well . . . Rene looked like him. Reinelle wanted to step forward, rub Rene's back, do something to comfort him. He had a tough life, and Reinelle could only imagine what he had been through. 

Rene looked at his father one last time, then turned around and walked out of the safe house, but not before he heard Lennox stutter, "I-I didn't kn-know . . ."

Reinelle watched Madison laugh evilly and knew she just wanted to smack her. Maybe knock her out completely. But she decided against it. Instead, she looked at the door, trying to decided if she should give Rene a moment or not. She decided that the least she could do for him was sit with him in silence. 

She walked out of the safe house, leaving the uncomfortable atmosphere and scanning the streets of Ireland for traces of Rene. She knew there was a park less than a block away, and it was very quiet. She decided she would search there. 

Sure enough, Rene was at the quiet park, sitting alone on a bench along the side of the grounds. He seemed to be staring out at the distance, but nothing on particular. Reinelle slowly approached him and took a seat next to Rene. She didn't bother to say anything. The look on Rene's face was enough to let her know to keep her mouth shut. 

Suddenly, she felt the warmth of Rene's hand on hers. She didn't say anything, but she looked at him. He wasn't looking at her, but his faced showed some relief. It was like holding her hand was all the support he needed. 

A moment later, Rene looked up at her and looked into her eyes. "Reinelle . . ." he started. He didn't know what he was going to say. What was the point? She had been there to witness everything. 

Reinelle, not knowing what he was going to say, looked up hesitantly. She stopped herself from making eye contact with him. 

"Thank you." 

Reinelle's eyes widened when she looked over at Rene. "Pardon me?" she asked. Rene smirked. 

"I said thank you."

"For what?" 

Rene smiled and looked out into the distance, seeming lost in the darkness of the park. "For being there for me. Even though . . ."

Reinelle leaned in. "Even though?" 

Rene sighed. "Even though I'm a part of the Circle."

Reinelle glared at him. "Yeah, are we going to talk about that?" Rene sighed again, this time seeming quite sad. 

"It's a long story."

"I've got nothing but time."

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